The Emerald Forest/Players and Pieces

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Outside POV
You and you team were making our way towards the Temple until You and Your Team saw some Ruins and Stone,You and your team Rushed towards the direction of the Stones and soon enough you saw the Temple,You and them quickly hurried and grabbed a Relic which was a Black Knight Chess piece and Violet grabbed the Other Black Knight piece
Violet:"Now we're a Team"
???:"Are you sure it's here?"You and your team look towards the Noise and saw a Guy with a Face mask on,Red and Yellow Armored Clothes walking with a guy with Two guns at his Side with a Light Purple/Dark Blue cloak on and exposing his Black with light green hair[Like a Certain Irish person we know and Love]
???:"Oh well we're not the First ones here,Are we the second one?"
F/n:"Nope,Possibly the Third One since Two of the Black bishop pieces are gone,Anyways Who are you?"
???:"Oh,My Names Ace And this is Blue"Blueheld up a I-Scroll That said Hi on it
Ace:"Anyways we should get a Chess piece,Ohh I like the Black rook one,Let's take it"he takes it and Puts it in the air like when Link gets a item
Blue:"Always so Quick"he said holding his I-Scroll and face palming
Ace:"Thanks Blue"
Y/n:"So shouldn't we go to the Cliff now?"Everyone nodded in Response
???:"Looks like we're not the First ones here Huh?"All if you turned and saw Yang walking down a Cliff with Blake soon following behind her
Yang:"Ohhh,A cute Little Pony!" She said as she grabbed a Gold or White Knight piece and held it to Blake's face
Yang:"Oh by the way,Who are you guys?"She pointed at your group and Ace's
Violet:"I'm Violet"
Diana:"I'm Diana"
F/n:" I'm F/n,It's great to meet you"
Ace:"I'm Ace"he said with his Voice scrambled and looking away
Blue:"I'm Blue"He said on his I-Scroll
Yang:"Well it's nice to meet you,I'm Yang,and this is Blake"She said as she waved her hand and Blake waved slowly
Yang:"hey what's behind that Mask?" She said as she walked towards Ace
Ace:"Um Later"he said with his voice Scrambled,All of you hear something or Someone falling
Yang:Blake,do you hear that,What do we d-"Blake just pointed upwards as all of you just see Ruby falling down,You see Blake's Bow twitch
Y/n:'I've got feeling... Maybe later'
Ruby:"Heads up!"She was hit midair by Jaune and into some Trees
Ace:"Ohhh Knockout"You all scrambled towards the Tree and looked up as Jaune hangs from a Branch and Ruby sits on a large one
Ace:"Hey,did ou-Your sister just fall from the Sky?"he said with a Scrambled voice
Yang:"I-"we hear a Grim growl and Trees fall then a Ursa came out wildly but there was a Explosion behind it's back as it falls down Dead,The ginger girl came from the back of it and inspected it
Ginger:"Aww,it's Broken"then a Guy with a Green Mistral outfit,Black hair with a one pink hair sticking out,as well as whit pant or jeans on?came from behind it,Out of breath
Mistral:"Nora?Please...don't ever do that again"he said but sees that she's not There anymore.You all look and see her eye a Queen or King piece and takes it
Nora:"Oooo.I'm Queen of the Castle🎶,I'm Queen of the Castle🎶"
Mistral:"NORA!"Nora giggled a little
Nora:"Coming Ren"
Ace:"Did she just ride here on a Ursa"
Yang:"I-"She was cut off as a Redhead with a spear came running from crashing Trees as a Giant Grimm Scorpion Chased after her,She dodges a swipe from a Scorpion
Jaune:"Pyrrha!"Then Ruby jumped off the Branch
Jaune:"Ruby!"All of you heard a Explosion as Two guys land right next to your team
???:"Oww,Let's not do that again Shaun"the one in Some Blueish Blackish Armor with two Guns striped around his belt and a Electrical Take apart Staff,just like yours
Shaun:"Come on,It was Fun Yusef"the one with a Red Grenade launcher or RPG with a Scythe folded behind his Back,He had red Sunglasses on and a Brown zipped down Jacket with his Symbol,Leggings that held Two Pistols and a Belt with another Gun hanging out of it.Ruby then lands right to Yang and they have a Heartfelt moment
Nora:"Nora!"They both jump at this
Blake:"Did she just run all the way here with a Death stalker on her tail"
Yang:"Grrrr!I can't take it anymore! Can we chill out for 2 Seconds before something crazy happens again!"She says with her Lilac eyes turning to Red,All of you Wait 2 seconds then a Ding happens
Ruby:"Um Yang?"They all look up as a Nevermore flys ahead and Weiss hangs from it
Weiss:"How could you Leave me?"Her voice sounded like a Echo
Ruby:"I told you to Jump!"
Ace:"She is so gonna Fall"
Ruby:"She'll Be Fine
Ren,Y/n,Violet,Diana,F/n,Ace,And Yusef:"She's Falling"In mid air,Jaune grabs Weiss and stays like that
Jaune:"Just Dropping In?"They were in the Air,How they did that is beyond us,But Then when they Looked down,They fell towards the ground,Weiss fall was broken by Jaune's Back
Weiss:"My hero"
Jaune:"My Back..."Pyrrha Then Land Right in front of us
Yang:"Great,The gangs all here,now we can die together!"
Ruby:"Not if I can help it"She then ran at the Death stalker
Yang:"Ruby Wait!"Ruby boosted herself towards the Death-stalker and hit it with her Scythe,it blocked it and knock her not faraway,Ruby gets up
Ruby:"D-D-don't worry,Totally Fine"She look behind her and sees the Death Stalker,She shots it and Runs away from it while putting her Weapon away
Yang:"RUBY!"She runs towards Ruby,then a Nevermore flew above and Flung it's Feathers down at Ruby,Most of them missed and one Struck Ruby's Cape,Trapping Her There Also separating Yang from Ruby,The Death Stalkers stinger charged up for a Attack
Yang:"RUBY!"Someone whooshes past Yang as Icicles or Ice Crackles.Ruby opens her eyes and sees that Weiss has just saved her from being Killed
Weiss:"You are so Childish"
Weiss:"And dimwitted,And Hyperactive And don't even get me started on your fighting style and I suppose,I can be a bit...Difficult,But if were going to do this,We're going to have to do this together.So if you quit trying to show off,I'll be...Nicer"
Ruby:"I'm not trying to show off,I just want you to know I can do this"
Weiss:"You're fine"
Ruby:"*Whispers*Normal knees"Ruby turns around and looks at the Deathstalker that seems to be trapped
Ruby:"Whoa"Yang runs up to Ruby in a bear-Tight hug
Yang:"I'm so happy that you're ok"
Ace:"Hey,If you Two are done with family reunions,That Nevermore is Circling back,Now tell us what to do?"
Weiss:"Ok,look,Theres no time to Dilly-Dally,Our objective is Right in front of us"
Y/n:"I'd have to agree with her,Our mission is to grab a Artifact and get to the Cliffs,Anyways,There's No point in fighting these Grimm"
Jaune:"Run and Live,I can get behind that"The remaining teams grab a Relic:Ruby grabbed the White Knight one,Jaune grabbed the Other Rook and Shaun grabbed the Black rook one.The ice starts to Crack and the Death stalker starts to Break out
Ren:"Time we Left"
Ruby:"Right.Let's go!"Ruby leads the teams away from the Grim and out of Trouble
Sometime I think later
All of you get out of the Forest and makes it to some Ruins as the Nevermore flys over by,All of you duck into Cover so it doesn't Find you,It Screeches as if it know that you're there.
Ace:"Great,That's fantastic"Then the Deathstalker comes out of the Forest,Crashing some trees in it's way
Shaun:"Shit,We need to Run"You all run out of Cover and Separate
Ren:"Nora,Distract it"Nora Then runs in Line of sight of the Nevermore whilst Dodging the sharp Feathers and fired her Grenade Launcher at it,It seemed Effective as it flew away,Then the Deathstalker Tried to attack her until Blake,Ren,Diana,and Yusuf Protects her as they hit it,Then they Run away from it and runs towards the Abandoned Temple
Pyrrha:"Go,Go"She says as she Shots the Deathstalker,The the Nevermore swoops in and Destroys the Bridge,All of you make It over except the People that were Distracting the Deathstalker
Jaune:"We gotta get over there,They need our Help"
Nora:"Let's do this"
Jaune:"Yeah,but,uh...I can't make that Jump"Nora then Knocks Jaune down and Uses her Hammer to launch them over there then Nora hits the Grim with her hammer Then blasts away and dodge it's Stinger while hitting Blake and Diana off the Edge.The Death Singer hits down Yusuf and was about to hit him but a Sword blocks him. It was Black with only a small hue of Blue

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