Black and White Vol.1 End

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Outside POV
You,Ace,and Team RWY walked around Vale looking for Blake since your team and Ace's team went on a Mission
Y/n:"Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!"
Ace:"Where's are you Blake!"
Ruby:"Blaaake?!Where are you?"
Ruby:"Weiss,You're not helping!"
Weiss:"Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police."
Ruby:"Ugh. Weiss..."
Weiss:"It was just an Idea!"
Ace:"Yeah,a Bad one"
Yang:"Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to Conclusions"
Weiss:"I think when we hear it, You'll all realize I was Right"
???:"And I think Weiss' Hair looks wonderful today!"They all turn around and See Penny
Ruby:"Agh!! Penny!! Where did you come from!?"
Penny:"Hey guys. What are you up to?"
Yang:"We're looking for our friend Blake"
Penny:"Oooh! You mean the Faunus girl!"
Ruby:"Wait. How did you know that?"
Penny:"Uh, the cat ears?"
Ace:"What do you mean by Cat ears? She always wears a... bow.."Ruby Whispers
Ruby*Whisper*"She does like Tuna a lot"
Penny:"So, where is she?"
Ruby:"We don't know. She's been missing since Friday"Penny Gasp and walks to Ruby and Grabs her arms
Penny:"That's Terrible! Well don't worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your Teammate."
Ruby:"Uh,that's really nice of you Penny,uh but we're-we're Okay. Really. Right Guys?"She looks as only Y/n and Ace were standing there than tumble weed flows by
Penny:"Sure is windy today"Then the 4 of you proceed to walk.
Penny:"So Blake is your Friend?"
Ace:"Of course Penny"
Penny:"But you're mad at her"
Ruby:"Yes! W-well, I'm not, Weiss is."
Penny:"Is 'She' friends with Blake?"
Y/n:"That's sorta In the air right now"
Penny:"But why?"Ruby just Sighs
Ruby:"Well you see, Blake might not be who we thought"Penny gasps than Whispers
Penny:*Whispers*"Is she a Man??"It was just loud as Y/n and Ace face palm
Ruby:"No,no, Penny, She's n-- I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off"
Penny:"I don't have a lot of Friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things."
Ruby:"Me too"Than the 4 Walk off.When they were walking,They heard a Loud explosion and when you Turn, you saw Smoke
Ruby:"Oh no"You race off towards the Explosion and Ace used his Semblance,Speed just like Rubys to Get there.You see Sun there Fighting Roman Torchwick with his Gun-chucks and Roman was doing pretty well but he was Hit by Blake,although she didn't have her Bow on,Roman shoots a Crate above them,They dodge It Just in time,Roman was about to shoot Sun but you intervened by Jumping on Roman with your staff in which he Dodged it.
Roman:"Hello Speedy, you seem to be slow lately" You charge at him and collapse your staff in half and spun in the air with your two halves of a Staff Out,He blocks it and to Blades stuck out of the end of your Batons as you clash it against Roman's Cane than You pull your Blades Back a Little And Hit His cane in a X kind of form,you spin and hit his Cane,One baton up while the other looks down,You put your Batons back together and slam one end to the ground and Kick Roman's cane which Knocks him back a Little,he lifts his cane up and sends a Explosion At you,You block it with your staff but As it collides,One part flys off and goes into the Ocean
Y/n:"You Just Killed Kill,Where's Ace when you need him"Ace was fighting some White fang members.You just charge at Roman,dodging his Explosives and hit his cane again,You back away and throw your Baton up and kicks Roman in the Stomach And Snatches your Baton while jumping in Roman and brings your Baton down,But he hits his Explosive with his cane and knocks you and your Baton into the Ocean
Y/n:"Not Joy Too!"[I know,Stupid name] You bring you Katanas Out and Use your Semblance to Attack Roman But he Had one trick up his Sleeve[I'm not sure if Roman even used Dust for his cane so I'm just doing this for Plot sake]He Hit His Explosive with his Cane so you Blocked it with your Katanas But when it hit it,It burned your Katanas into Noting but Scrap Metal
Y/n:"Great,You just Destroyed all My Wea—Oof"You didn't get to finish your sentence as Roman hits you Down and Points his Cane At you Until you heard a Familiar and Cheery voice yell out
Ruby:"Hey!"You both look at the Rooftop as Ruby with her Scythe Out
Roman:"Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your Bedtime?"Than You See Penny Behind Ruby,While Ruby was being Distracted by Penny,Roman launched a Explosive at Ruby
Y/n:"Watch Out Ruby!"But She was too late as Ruby gets hit and recoil back onto the ground,Roman Cackles evilly,You See Penny reassure Ruby as Swords comes out of her Backpack? You quickly move to the side so you didn't get hit,She jumps down and hits two with her swords and lands on the Ground,she hits another one nearby and hits the other into a Crate,She spins her swords as two White fang members gets hit,trying to jump her,Than she flips and hits another one than she Launches a shrunken like Sword formation and hits a Line full of white fang members who were all behind each other
Ace:"Woah! That was cool"He sees some Bullheads and runs for cover.The Bull Heads shoots at Penny who block them with her Swords than she launches two Swords who hit a warehouse and She gets pulled back towards the Swords,She lands and so does her other swords as they Charge up a Green laser and when it Finishes,Penny shoots it at Two Bullheads Which cuts them in half and flys them into the Ocean,She shoots her swords at a Bullhead,Ready to take off with a Crate full Of Dust,She walks back as the Bullhead slowly floats over in Penny's Direction Than Penny launches the Bullhead into some more Crates and it explodes,You See as two Bullheads take off and no Roman nearby.
Timeskip brought to you By Jaune being Dense
You,Ace,Sun,Blake,Penny,and Ruby were sitting on Crates Until Yang and Weiss walked over,Ruby gets up and talks to Weiss
Ruby:"Look Weiss it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ears and their actually kinda cute"Weiss ignores her and walks up to Blake
Blake:"Weiss. I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with-"Weiss interrupts Blake's Conversation
Weiss:"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?"Blake just doesn't say anything
Weiss:"Twelve hours.That means I've Had twelve hours to think about this. And in those twelve hours I have decided..."Everything goes Silent as everyone looks at each other
Weiss:"I don't care!"
Blake:"You don't care?"
Weiss:"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"
Blake:"No, I-I Haven't been since i was younger"
Weiss:"Upupupupupup! I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know, is that the next time something this big comes up. You'll come to your Teammates, and note some...someone else"She said the last line looking at Sun
Blake:"Of course"Ruby Yells out loudly
Ruby:"Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"Ace falls off his Crate But gets back up,Than when they all came close to each other,Weiss pointed to Sun
Weiss:"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!"Sun just Nervously Laughs
Ruby:"Hey, Wait a minute. Where's Penny?"
Y/n:"I'm not Sure but do anyone of you have Equipment,Metal, And other stuff like that?"Everyone just look at each other and Shakes their head
Y/n:"I'll be back"You use your Semblance to go to Zean's Weapons And Dust shop,Buy some Weapon materials and Equipment than Race towards your Dorm And works on your new Weapon or Weapons
Finally Done with Season 1 Of RWBY, Now Please tell me what Weapons or food should I use for the 'Weapons' in the Food fight against RWBY and ABYS?
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