Forever Fall

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Outside POV
You were Just Cleaning your Staff along with your Blades while the Rest were doing whatever they were Doing,You check your Chest that said:Do not Touch and Open it and sees that you are Low on Dust
Y/n:"I'll be Back,I'm going to grab some Dust"You get up and walk out of the Dorm
When you get to Vale
You were walking to a Newly opened Weapon's Show and decided to Check it out,The Shop's Name was called Zean's Dust and Weapon shop,You walk and was Greeted immediately
Y/n:"Hello,I assume you're Zean?
???:"Yep,That's me,What do you Need?
Y/n:"I'm Looking for Some Dust,Earth,Fire,And Electricity"
Zean:"They Should all be in the Dust Ille over there,Feel Free to check some of the Weapons"
Y/n:"Will do"You walk into the Dust Ille and Take some Electricity,Fire,and Earth Dust and decided to check some of the Weapons,You pick one up and it Had a Really cool Design

Outside POVYou were Just Cleaning your Staff  along with your Blades while the Rest were doing whatever they were Doing,You check your Chest that said:Do not Touch and Open it and sees that you are Low on DustY/n:"I'll be Back,I'm going to grab so...

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But You put it Back,You hear the Door Ring as a Guy in a Black jacket with White Side ways Stripes,He Also as a Assault Gun with a Cyan colored streak on it,He walked to The Section I was at and Grabbed the Sickle Sword,Payed for it and walked out.
Y/n:"He seems Important later on"You Bought the Dust and Hurried back to the Dorms
Next day
It was Time for the Field Trip to Forever Falls and you Had to get Jars for Professor Princess Peach or whatever her name was
Glynda:"Yes Students, The forest of Forever fall Is indeed Beautiful,but we are not here to Sight-see,Professor Peaches asked all of you to gather samples from the trees deep inside this Forest and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so"She stops and turns around
Glynda:"Each of You is to gather one jar's worth of Red sap However,this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates,We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock.have Fun!"You See Jaune walk off with Cardin Which was unusual and what made you more Suspicious was that Kuma was Acting strange around Jaune,You shrugged it off as you Carried Kuma with you to Get a Jar Of Red sap,Everyone has their own kind of jar Red sap,Well Nora kept eating the Red sap herself but Jaune And Team CRDL weren't anywhere to be seen
Violet:"Has anybody wondered why Jaune and Cardin became Buddy Buddies?"
F/n:"I smell Blackmail"That was later turned around as Team CRDL Well RDL Ran out of the Forest yelling"Ursa,Ursa!"You didn't hesitate to run In The Direction they came from along with Pyrrha,Weiss,and Ruby You were about to Rush in But was stopped by Pyrrha as Jaune kept getting mauled around,Than When Jaune Charged it,His Shield blocked the Ursa's Attack And he cut it's head off,You look and see that Pyrrha had her hand out
Weiss:"How did you?"
Y/n:"So that's what her Semblance is"
Pyrrha:"Well,Ruby and Y/n has their Speed,You have your Glyphs,My Semblance is Polarity"
Ruby:"Ah,You can control Poles"You fall down as she said that
Weiss:"No,You dunce!It means she has control over magnetism"
Ruby:"Magnets are cool too"
Y/n:"Wait,Where are you going?"
Ruby:"Yeah,we gotta tell them what happened"
Pyrrha:"We could.,Or,perhaps,we could just keep it our little secret"You facepalm as you get up and Walk away
At Beacon and in Ozpin's Office
Ozpin:"So that's what Happened?"
Ozpin:"I'll make sure Mr.Winchester gets the Punishment he deserves,As of you,You are dismissed"You nod as you walk away until You hear the Elevator ring,you step away and hides near the Elevator as Cardin Runs out of the Elevator
Cardin:"Professor Ozpin! Professor Ozpin!"
Ozpin:"What is it Mr Winchester?"
Cardin:"I've found something out,Jaune Arc Faked his Transcripts"You just stood in Silence as Ozpin Just remains Calm
Ozpin:"Okay,I already knew that he Faked his Transcripts,Do you think we are that Dense?Now go along Now Mr Winchester"
Cardin:"But-"you Stepped out of the Shadows
Y/n:"He said Now Cardin,Do you really want to argue with the Headmaster of Beacon?"Cardin Stormed off and went down the Elevator
Ozpin:*Chuckles*"Looks like you're stuck up here until The Elevator comes back up"
Y/n:"I have my Ways Of Getting Down"You climb a Secret ladder and went to the Roof,There you jumped off it and Landed in a Haystack below,You got out and climbed down the Building to ground level and Ran towards your Dorm.

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