The Stray

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Outside POV
Team Fade was Walking around Vale,looking around as People prepared for the Vytal festival
Y/n:"Finally,The Vytal Festival is just around the Corner"
Violet:"Also,we Can spy on the Competition!"She was bonked on the head by Diana
Diana:"We will not spy on Vacuo just to see the Competition and Learn their Weaknesses,Like for example,A Guy named Neptune was Afraid of Water,His Name Is Lithely The God Of the Sea! Then we grab some Water dust and Splash him with it and Boom! Aura gone! It'd be boring just to see someone go down like that so why not just Fight them"Violet turned away from Diana and went towards the Docks Anyways,FDE followed her all the way there to stop her while just Walking,Just Walki-[Monica[This is not a Teaser]]-ng Till She Finally makes it to the Docks
F/n:"Do you always have to do this Violet?"He said while facepalming
Violet:"So we would win Easily during the Festival and Weiss over there is doing it Too!"She says as she points at RWBY and Ace running after a monkey Faunus,FDE Runs After Them Which leaves Violet in the dust,she soon Chases after them and when she Catches up,and sees Weiss on Someone
Weiss:"He's Getting away!"
Ace:"Un Weiss,You landed on someone"She looks at the Green eyed and Red haired Person and gets back up
Ace:"Are you...Hurt?"
???:"I'm Wonderful. Thanks for asking"
Yang:"Do you... wanna get up?
???:"Yes"She gets up from the ground as Everyone just steps back
???:"My name is Penny. It's a Pleasure to meet you"
Ruby:"Hi Penny,I'm Ruby"
Weiss:"I'm Weiss
Violet:"I'm Violet
F/n:"I'm F/n"
Y/n:"I'm Y/n"
Diana:"Hi,I'm Diana"
Ace:"My Names Ace
Yang:"Are you sure you didn't hit your Head"Blake than hits her
Yang:"Oh I'm Yang"
Penny:"It's a Pleasure to meet you!"
Ace:"You just said that"
Penny:"So I did!"
Weiss:"Well,Sorry for running into you"
Ruby:"Take care,Friend"They all walk away
Yang:"Wasn't she just...Weird"
Weiss:"Yes,Now. Where did that Faunus riffraff run off to"She stops as Penny appears in front of them,You hide behind Violet
Penny:"What did you call me?"
Yang:"Oh I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't think you heard me"
Penny:"No not you..."She walks to Ruby
Ruby:"Me?! I-I don't know, I-- what I-- Um uh-"
Penny:"You called me 'Friend',Am I really your Friend?"
Ruby:"Uummm....."Everyone is Signaling NO to Ruby
Ruby:"Ya,Sure! Why not?"Everyone falls down
Penny:"Ahaha! Sen-Sational! We can paint our nail,and Try on clothes, and talk about cute boys!"You,Ace, and F/n slowly back away a little
Ruby:"Ooh,is this what it was like when you met me?"
Weiss:"No,She seems 'far' more coordinated"
Yang:"Soo, what are you doing in Vale"
Penny:"I'm here to fight in the tournament"
Weiss:"Wait... You're fighting in the tournament?"
Penny:"I'm Combat ready!"she says,Saluting
Weiss:"Forgive me, but you hardly look the part"
Ace:"Say the Girl wearing a Dress"
Weiss:"It's a 'Combat skirt'"Ruby speeds next to her and gives a Low 5 while saying
Weiss:"Wait a minute,If you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that...monkey-tailed Rapscallion??"
Penny:"The who?"
Weiss:"the filthy Faunus from the Boat!"she says as she holds a Bad drawing of the Faunus
Y/n:"When did you make that?"
Blake:"Why do you keep saying that?"
Blake:"Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person!"
Weiss:"Oh I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the Trash cam as a Trash can"She say while pointing at the Trash can
Weiss:"Or this lamp post as a Lamp post?"she says while pointing at a Lamp post
Blake:"Stop it!"
Weiss:"Stop what? He clearly broke the Law. Give him time, he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the white fang"Blake clenches her fist and Growls
Blake:"You ignorant little Brat!" She says,walking away in a Sassy king of walk
Weiss:"How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate."she says walking towards Blake
Blake:"You are a Judgmental little girl"
Weiss:"what in the world makes you say that?
Ace:" I think we should go Sis"
Blake:"the mere Fact that you would sort that Faunus boy with the Terrorist group"
Penny:"where are we going?"
Blake:"Solely based on his Species makes you as much of a Scoundrel as you believe him to be"
Weiss:"So you admit it;The White Fang 'is' just a Radical group of Terrorists"
Blake:"that's not what i meant and you know it"
Oh Sorry for this Message,I just need to look for Weapons you can Use in the Foo-Message Terminated
At Team RWBY's Dorm
You were Watching Weiss and Blake still Arguing
Weiss:"I don't understand why this is causing such a Problem"
Blake:"that 'Is' the Problem"
Weiss:"You realize you're defending an Organization who hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the white fang are pure evil"
Blake:"there's no such thing as 'Pure evil'! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin,people like 'you' that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"
Weiss:"People like Me??"
Blake:"You're discriminatory!"
Weiss:"I'm a Victim!"There was a Pause than Weiss spoke up
Weiss:"You want to know[How I got these Scars?"]'Why' I despise the White Fang? Why I don't Particularly trust the Faunus?" Weiss walks to the window and looks out it
Weiss:"It's because they've been at war with my Family for Years. Wars as in actual Bloodshed,My grandfather's Company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends Disappear,Board members executed,an entire train car full of dust... Stolen. And every day, my father would come home Furious, and that made for a very Difficult childhood."Ruby walks up to Weiss and puts her Hand on her shoulder
Ruby:"Weiss I-"
Weiss:"No!"She pushes Ruby's hand away and walks in front of Blake's Live of view
Weiss:"You want to know[How I Got this Scar] why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're bunch of liars! Thieves! And Murderers!"
Blake:"Well maybe we were just tired of being Pushed around!!"Everyone retaliated a Little,well all except you
Y/n:"So you are a Faunus after all"
Blake:"I--"She quickly Ran out of the room with Tremendous speed
Ruby:"Blake! Wait! Come back!"Weiss than Pointed to You
Weiss:"You! How come you didn't tell us She was a Faunus!"
Y/n:"Well I wasn't sure until Now Ice Queen"You walk out of the Dorm while calling a Friend
Y/n:"Hey,Are you here?"
???:"At Beacon? Of course I am,What do you need?"
Y/n:"If you see a Girl,Black bow,Black and white out fit on with Yellow eyes,Please Take care of her,I'm going to tell Ozpin about this and I need you to take care of her,and Stay out of Trouble"
???:"No promises Y/n,Bye"
Y/n:"Bye,Sun"You hang up and Walk towards Ozpin's Office
Ozpin's Office
Ozpin:"So my suspicions were Correct I Presume?"You only Nod
Ozpin:"Hmm,it would be Troubling for a Faunus and Schnee to Be together,No matter,Please find Mrs.Belladonna as soon as Possible"
Y/n:"Got it Sir"You walk towards the Elevator and goes down to the Dorms.

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