The Badge and the Burden

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Outside POV
Team FADE wakes up from their Sleep in their Dorm well Violet mostly
Violet:"Good Morning!~"Everyone groaned a little after her yelling that but finally woke up,They Get their School clothes on and were about to go to Class until Violet stopped them
Violet:"Wait,We forgot to Unpack our stuff"
Y/n:"We can do that after Classes
Violet:"No,We need to unpack now!"
Y/n:"Fine,But if were late,I'm blaming it on you[I wonder who's the actual Leader]"Team FADE unpack their stuff and picks their side of the Room:You picked the most Bottom left bed and put your stuff while F/n puts his stuff in the Bottom Right Bed and Violet puts her stuff in the Top right bed and Diana puts her stuff in the Top Right Bed then you all Run towards Class.F/n then Notices that you still have your Blades on
F/n:"Hey Y/n,Why do you have your Blades on?"
Y/n:"Why can't I? Plus it's not like it's gonna Activate out of Nowhere"It was Silent as FADE runs into the Classroom But No one was there
???:"Ah,Good to see you Team Fade"you turn and Sees that you have Professor Port's Room
Diana:"Wait?Where is Everyone"
Port:"It's about 7:26 So you still had time"
Y/n:"Ah come on,It wouldn't hurt to Spar a Little"Then the Door bust open to Reveal Team Abyss or ABYS Well just AYS
Port:"Ah,Team Abyss is here as Well,Why Don't we have Both teams Spar?"
Ace:"I'm up for it,It's just that Blue is gone"Then Blue walks in with his Casual Clothes while eating a Blueberry Ice cream[Now you know where this is Going,Right?]
Blue:"Hi?"he said holding his I-Scroll up
Ace:"Blue,Wanna Spar with Team Fade?"
Blue:"Isn't that in Mrs Goodwitch's Class?"
Shaun:"It is But Wanna Spar Anyways?"Blue just Nodded
Y/n:"Good,Now let's get our Weapons"
After they get their Stuff and Weapons
Port:"Good,Now Begin"Team Fade and Team Abyss Launches at Eachother with Ace and You Neck to Neck with Ace's Double Scythe and your Bladed Staff.You take it apart and Jumps and use your Semblance to get behind him and Slash him but He Blocks it.Blue and Violet Launch at eachother With Blue's Bladed Guns and Violet's Sword,Blue then steps back a Little and just stands there with a Smirk and Violet Slashes him but It was just a Illusion and Blue appears behind her and Shoots a Volley of Bullets at her which She blocks every Single one.Diana Kicks Shaun but He gets up Quickly and Hits her with His Sword then Shoots her with his 3 Guns.Yusuf Shocks F/n with his Electrical Staff but Then F/n Seeps into the Shadows and Hits Yusuf down with His sword.Ace pins Y/n Down with his Weapon with his Staff knocked away and his Blades unable to Appear
Y/n:"Hey Diana,A little help Please!?"Diana then opened a Portal behind Ace and You kicked him In there
Y/n:"Wait wait wait,Where did the Portal Lead to?"Everyone stopped in their Tracks and Stood in Silence
Port:"This Battle will be Cut off but I will inform Ozpin of this"
To Where Ace is at
Ace's POV
I fall in a Portal and land on A Dirt ground,I look around my Surroundings and see Tents and a Speared Log barricade
Ace:"Where the hell am I?"I hear Shouting as I See A bunch of people Surround me
???:"Freeze Now!"
Ace:"Whoa Whoa Whoa,My friend just Freaking Portaled me here so Tell me where I'm at Please"They all charge at Me but I Launch them away with my double Scythe
Ace:"Okay,I just angered them"
Back to You
Outside POV
You were all Looking around Beacon for Ace:In the Dorm,The Classes,You even Looked in Ozpin's Office then you All meet up in a Hallway then A portal Opens up as a Person with Long black Hair,A Grim mask on,and a Dark red and Black samurai looking outfit on with Ace who was Battered and Bloodied up even more,All of you Pull out your Weapons which makes the Figure Chuckle
???:"Please Don't, I don't want Ozpin to get mad because I broke his students"She says as She throws down Ace and Walks back into her Portal and it closes behind her.All of You Rush Ace to the Infirmary room and gets him the Help he needs.While Ace Rests and BYS watches over him Team Fade returns to Class which was Professor Port's Class which Already started
Port:"Ahh Team Fade,So nice of you to Join us today,Please take a Seat"
Random Student:"Aren't you going to Count them Tardy since they are Late!"
Port:"No because they were here Early and It's their First day of Class,Anyways let's Continue my Story"While Port was Telling his story of his Youth,Team Fade goes to Open seats.It was the Most boring  story You have ever heard of
Y/n:"I'll be Back"You use your Semblance to grab a Hamburger and Get back to class while Eating it
F/n:"Oumdamn it Y/n"He said with a Tint of Red in his Eyes with some Red veins on his Face
Y/n:"Calm down"F/n Breaths in and his Eyes and veins return to Normal
F/n:"Sorry"He said while scratching his Head
Port:"Now who here thinks they have these Traits?"You didn't really listen but You Raised your Hand any way
Weiss and Y/n:"Me!"Everyone looked at you and Weiss
Weiss:"How do you Fit the Description,Your not even wearing your School uniform"
Y/n:"So? Just because I'm not wearing a Uniform doesn't mean I can't attend,Ok Ice Queen!"Some people snickered at the Ice Queen comment
Port:"Now now,We'll see who's ready to be a Huntsman or Huntress.Now Y/n,Will you come forward"You get off of your Seat and goes down towards the Arena or Downstairs area as Port stood near a Cage
Port:"Alright,Let the Match.Begin"He opens the Cage as a Grim Boar charged at You,You pull your Staff out and hit the Boar while Dodging
Ruby:"Go Y/n go!"
Y/n:"I thought my team was doing the Chanting not you Ruby?"You say as you dodge It's Attack but soon after,It sonic Spins and hits your Weapon away and onto the Ground
Port:"Oh what will you do without your Weapon?"
Y/n:"Already have one"You hold your Hand out as the Blade Extends out into a Katana then it flips 90 Degrees with the handle Folding onto it,The boar and You were circling each other until you charged at each other but You flipped over it while grabbing a Earth Dust canister and puts it in your Katana and when you land on the ground,You put your sword down,Pointy end towards the ground and slam it down,It cause a bunch of Sharp rocks to Shoot up from the Ground and it Penetrates the Boar's Stomach Which kills it
Port:"Bravo,It seems we are in the Midst of a True Huntsman in training,That is all we have for today,You are Dismissed"You grab your Staff and Holster it Until Weiss goes up to you
Weiss:"I could of done 10 Times better than you"
Y/n:"And 100 Times as worst Ice Queen"
Weiss:"Hey!"Then you walked away from her and towards the Dorms then you get a Text on your Scroll
Ozpin:Y/n,Get your team and meet me in my Office

Y/n:Am I in trouble?

Ozpin:No,I just need to tell you something
Y/n:Fine,I'll go get them you Run towards the Dorm and when you get there,You tell them that Ozpin needs our Attention
Time skip brought to you by The Author
Ozpin:"I need your team to assist a Huntress on a mission to retreve dust from a White fang warehouse, I would send the 3rd or 4th years and maybe the end but she requested your team specifically."

Diana:"But why us?"

Ozpin :"You'll have to go find out why yourself. Now make haste, the mission starts immediantly."
Another Time skip
Team Fade walks towards the Bull head and as the Door opens and Reveals the Huntress


???:"Oh, Hi Honey!"

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