Ruby Rose

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4 Year's Later
Outside POV
We Start our Story off in A Forest and with You,Violet,and F/n Fighting off a Pack of Beowulfs.You chop one in half while Violet sends one flying into two of them and F/n Stabs two of them and decapitates their Heads.Once those were out of the way,There were still more,More then the 3 of you can handle.All 3 of you used your Semblance.F/n's Semblance was the Ability to walk into Shadows and make a Quick getaway,Violet Ran Faster and Jump Faster After using her Boot's Ability .You all split up and after a While of them chasing you,They gave up on Chasing you and you got a Message on your Scroll
F/n:>"Meet up in Vale"You put Your scroll away and you use your,Semblance to get towards Vale quicker.
TimeSkip brought to you by me Writing this at 11:42 pm
You make it to Vale but sees that F/n or Violet isn't there,You pull out your Scroll and text them
Y/n:>"Where are you?"
F/n:>"Still getting Chased,be there in a Second"You put away your Scroll and roam the Streets of Vale but what caught your Attention was Roman Torchwick was walking around with some Henchmen.You decide to follow them and see where they go,You see them walking towards a Dust shop so you used your Semblance to quickly get there first,You enter the Shop and hid in the Back of the Shop.You heard the Door opened because of the bell that ringed.You heard footsteps then they stop,You cock your head out to see what's Happening
Roman:"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late"You see one of the Henchman point a Gun at the Old man who Puts his hands up
Shop Owner:"P-Please,Just take my Lien and leave"
Roman:"Shhh,Calm down,We're not here for your Money.Grab the dust."One of the Henchman opens a Case and the others grabs some Dust Suctioners and walk towards the Dust Capsules and putting the Dust Suctioners under the Capsules and Extracts the Dust.
Henchman:"Crystals.Burn.Uncut."A Henchman opens a Briefcase.The Old man grabs a Red crystal and hands it to the guy
Henchman:"Alright kid, put your hands where i can see 'em"You turn to the Source and sees the 'kid'They were wearing a Red hood with a cape,A black dress with some red on it,Brownish/Redish pants and Mostly Black and Red boots and she was also reading a Book
Henchman:"Hey, I said Hands in the Air!"He approached the Girl in Red
Henchman:"You got a Death wish or Something!?"He touched Red's Shoulder and she turned around while her hood fell down.She had Headphones on
Red:"Huh?"The Henchman then pointed towards his Ears and Red put her Headphones down
Henchman:"I said,Put your hands in the air,Now!"
Red:"Are you,Robbing me?"
Henchman:"Hey!"Then he Gets kicked into some Cans.Roman motions his head towards the Direction of the kick One of the Henchman runs over there and points his gun a Red
Henchman:"Freeze"Then he gets Surfed kicked through a Window.The rest looked out of the Window as Red Stands up from surf Kicking that guy with a Giant Mechanical Red Scythe then she spins it and Crashes the Sharp part into the Ground while grabbing her Headphones then turns off the Music
Roman:"Okayyy..."He looks at his men
Roman:"Get her!"Two of the Henchman ran at her with swords.Red Dodged being hit by a Sword by Holding her self up with the Handle then spun and Kicked the guy through the Broken window.You just stood there and Watched.Then she grabs her Scythe and pressed a button which spun her around fast and Hit a guy into the Sky and hit another guy with the other side of the Scythe.Then she Launches herself away from a Guy with auto Gun and dodges the Shots taken at her then Launches herself at the Henchman which shot him a Few inches or feet into the air and struck her Scythe into the Ground while shooting herself into the air too and knocking the Henchman into the Ground.
Roman:"You were worth Every cent,Truly,You were."He said as he looked at the Henchman that was on the ground
Roman:"Well,Red, I think we can all say it's been an Eventful evening"He said while throwing his Cigar on the Ground and stomping it with his Cane
Roman:"And as much as I'd love to Stick around"He said while pointing the Bottom of his Cane at Red
Roman:"I'm afraid This is where we Part ways"The bottom popped up and a Firework flew out but Red jumped over it but when she looked at Roman,he was already gone.She looked around then looked at a Ladder on a Building.The old man was Struggling towards the door but managed to get near the door
Red:"You okay if I Go After him?
Shop Owner:"Uh Huh"Red ran toward the Building while you just walked through the Broken Window and towards the Ladder.Roman lept over the Edge once he was near enough and ran across the Building while Red jumped over it with the help of The Red Scythe.She landed it and looked at him
Red:"Hey!"Roman stopped
Roman:"Persistent..."A Bullhead then Flew up.Roman climbed on the Bullhead and turned to Red
Roman:"End of the line, Red."He held a Red Crystal and threw it at her then he Shot the Firework at Her but then Glynda Got in the way as a Protective spell Blocked the Explosion
Roman:"Whoa-ho-ho.Huh?"The Smoke Cleared as Glynda had her Wand up and a Pink Protective spell was there.You got on top of the Building and saw Glynda there.You sat down as you just watch the show.
Glynda:"Hmph"Glynda then adjusted her glasses and swiped her wand a Barrage of Purples Pin missiles at the Bull head which knocked it a little.Roman was struggling to keep his Balance then ran towards the Cockpit
Roman:"We got a Huntress!"Then the Mysterious person gets out of the Seat and goes into the Loading area while Roman gets into the Pilot spot and tried to steady the Plane.Glynda then sent a Spell out and a Black Cloud appeared over the Bullhead
Roman:"The Hell?"Then icicles hit the Bull head and almost hit Roman then the Mysterious
Person stepped into the Loading area and shot a Fire ball at Glynda but she blocked it easily and the Magma floosh on the ground then The Mysterious person lifted her hand up and the Floor lit up.A Eruption happened but Glynda dodged it.Then Glynda used the Debris and created a Spear using her Telepathy and shot it at the Ship but the Mysterious person shot the Spear with her Fire hands but the reform and shoot at the Bullhead again but the Ship steered Downward and the Debris Spear shattered and became three Spears and was worming around the Bull head then the Mysterious Person lashed a Field of energy out and destroyed the Spears.It was about to fly away but Red put the Scythe into a Gun mode and shot at the Ship but the Person Blocked the Shots.They then swiped their hand and Eruption symbols appeared under them.Glynda Used her Semblance to get Red out of the way while Glynda dodged the Eruptions.Then the Bullhead took off
Red:"You're a Huntress"They both look at Eachother
Red:"Can I have your Autograph?"Then you Stepped in
Y/n:"Well you got to wait a Little,but Thanks for the Show,Anyways I'm off"I wave at them before Jumping off the Building.
TimeSkip brought to you by Y/n Jumping off the Building
You were just leaning against the Wall as Glynda was Lecturing Red
Glynda:"I hope you Realize that your Action tonight will Not be taken Lightly,Young lady.You put yourself and others in Great danger.
Red:"They Started it
Y/n:"Says the one who kicked a guy Through a Window"
Red:"Hey!Not my Fault they were Trying to Rob me!"
Glynda:"Quiet"We both Shut up when she said that
Glynda:"If It were up to me,You'd he sent home... With a Pat on the back..."Red face was filled with Happiness then Glynda looked at her.
Glynda:"And a Slap on the Wrist"Her wand slapped the Desk which made Red retaliate
Glynda:"But... There is Someone here who would like to meet you."Someone was walking in and it was Ozpin who had his Coffee cup in one hand and a Cookie Tray in another
Y/n:'Must be Important'
Ozpin:"Ruby Rose..."
Y/n:'So she's a Rose huh,oh wait the Hair! Now I see the Resemblance'
Ozpin:"You... have Silver eyes."
Y/n:'Seems very Important'
Ozpin:"So,Where did you learn to do this?"He said as he Showed a Video of the Battle
Ruby:"S-Signal Academy."
Ozpin:"They taught you to use one of the Most Dangerous Weapons ever Designed?"
Ruby:"Well, one teacher in Particular"
Ozpin:"I see..."He says as he lays down the Tray of Cookies.Ruby grabs one cookie and Eats it then she Grabs multiple Cookies and eats them
Ozpin:"It's just that I've only seen one other Scythe-Wielder of that skill before.A Dusty,old Crow.
Ruby:"Mmm,Thash Muh Unkul"She says while still chewing the Cookies.She wipes her mouth and gulps her Food down
Ruby:Sorry,That's my Uncle Qrow!He's a teacher at Signal.I was Complete garbage before he took me under his Wing"Ozpin sips his Coffee
Ruby:And now I'm all Like-- Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!"While making Doing Karate with her arms
Ozpin:So I've Noticed,And what is an Adorable girl such as yourself doing at a School designed to train Warriors?"
Ruby:"Well...I want to be a Huntress."Ozpin Sat down
Ozpin:"You want to slay Monsters?"
Ruby:"Yeah!I only have Two more years of Training left at Signal and then I'm going to apply to Beacon!You see,My sister's Starting there this year,and she's trying to Become a Huntress and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I want to help people.My parents always taught us to help Others,So I thought,'Hey,I might as well make a Career out of it!' I mean the Police are Alright but Huntsman and Huntresses are just so much more Romantic and Exciting and really,gosh,you Know!"
Ozpin:"...Do you know who I am?"
Ruby:"You're Professor Ozpin.You're the Headmaster of Beacon"
Ruby:"Nice to meet you."
Ozpin:"You want to come to my School?"
Ruby:"More than Anything."Ozpin looks at Glynda
Glynda:"Hmmph"She says as she rolls her head
Ozpin:"Well okay."Ruby gets up and Squeals with joy as she walks out of the room
Y/n:"Happy one isn't she?
Ozpin:"Sure is"
Y/n:"Anyways I need to go to sleep so bye"
Next Day(I'm gonna skip the whole packing things because I'm lazy
You,F/n,Violet,and Diana get on the Ship that was taking you to Beacon
Diana:"I can't believe we're finally going to Beacon!"
F/n:"Did anyone forget anything?"You check you Luggage and sees that the Clothes that you wear everyday is still in there:

"Ruby gets up and Squeals with joy as she walks out of the roomY/n:"Happy one isn't she?Ozpin:"Sure is"Y/n:"Anyways I need to go to sleep so bye"Next Day(I'm gonna skip the whole packing things because I'm lazyYou,F/n,Violet,and Diana get on the S...

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Any Color And You Have a Hood up
Any Your Weapon:

Y/n:"Yep I Have everything Packed"They all did the same???:"Oh,I can't believe my Baby Sister is Going to Beacon with me,This is the Best day ever!"You turn your Attention towards the Blond that was Hugging Ruby TightlyRuby:"Please stop

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Y/n:"Yep I Have everything Packed"They all did the same
???:"Oh,I can't believe my Baby Sister is Going to Beacon with me,This is the Best day ever!"You turn your Attention towards the Blond that was Hugging Ruby Tightly
Ruby:"Please stop."
Yellow:"But I'm so Proud of you!"
Ruby:"Really Sis,It was nothing."
Yellow:"What do you mean? It was Incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the Bee's Knees!"
Ruby:"I don't want to be the "Bee's Knees", Okay?I don't wanna be any kind of Knees,I just want to be a Normal girl with Normal Knees"
Yellow:"What's with you? Aren't you Excited?"
Ruby:"Of course I'm excited it's just,I got moved ahead Two Years,I don't want people to think I'm Special or Anything.
Yellow:"But you are Special."Then a HoloTv Came on
News Reporter:"... The Robbery was led by Nefarious Criminal:Roman Torchwick,Who continues to Evade Authorities.If you have any Information on his whereabouts,Please contact the Vale Police Department.Back to you Lisa
Lisa:"Thank you, Cyril.In other news,This Saturday's Faunus Civil Right's Protest turned dark when members of the White fang disrupted the Ceremony,The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."The HoloTv Turns off and Glynda appeared in it's Place
Glynda:"Hello,And welcome to Beacon!
Yellow:"Who's that?
Glynda:"my name is Glynda Goodwitch.
Glynda:"You are among a Privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this Prestigious Academy,Our World is Experiencing an incredible time of peace,and as Future Huntsman and Huntresses,it is your Duty to uphold it,You have demonstrated the Courage needed for such a Task,and now,it is our turn to provide you with the Knowledge and the Training to protect our world"The Hologram Fades off
Ruby:"Wow!"Ruby went over to the Window and looked down
Y/n:'did she only notice this Now?'
Ruby:"Look,You can see Signal from up here,I guess Home isn't too far after all!"
Yellow:"Beacon's our home,Now."You hear someone groaning and see another Blonde guy yet with a Sword,Black hoodie,and armor about to throw up
Yellow:"Well...I guess the view isn't for everyone"The Blonde ran past you and towards the Trash can and threw up in the Garbage can,You go up to him and pat his back while he was throwing up
Y/n:"So how are you?
Blonde:"Good,A little wait who are you?
Y/n:"I'm Y/n"
Blonde:"Oh ok,I'm Jaune,Jaune Arc,Sweet,Rolls off the tongue,Ladies love it"You put your hands on your hips
Y/n:"Do they Really?"Jaune looked down
Jaune:"They will,That's what my Mom said anyways"You hear the Ship stop and a Door open
Y/n:"Well see you later Vomit boy"
Jaune:"Hey!"He looked very angry but you were Already outside

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