Chapter 1 - Ghost or an Angel?

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<< Argel's POV >>

I slowly step up my feet one by one to the edge of the rooftop. The air, swinging my hair and I can see the busy street early in the morning.

I look up the sky and lift up my right hand to block the morning sun.

Tears slowly falling down my face and when I'm about to jump off the building of the hospital, I heard someones talking.

"What are you doing Mr?" said by a woman with a big brown eyes.

I just look at her and didn't mind her and when I was about to continue what I'm supposed to do, she spoke again.

"Are you trying to commit a suicide?" she said.

"Mind your own business, nosy parker." I said to her trying to hush her away.

I thought she would go away, but in my shock, she stands beside me with her eyes close and her arms are spread open like she is welcoming the air that passes by.

"What are you doing?" I ask her not even bothering to wipe my tears.

"Doing on what you're about to do". She said with a serious face without looking at me.

"What? Are you insane?" I ask her in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not and I'm dead serious." She said still not looking at me.

She only looks at me when I did not say anything or do anything.

"Aren't we going to jump?" she asks.

I feel frustrated, so instead of jumping, I grab her away from the edge of the building.

When where far from the edge of the rooftop, I just glared at her and don't know what to say. I look at her from head to toe.

She is wearing this white dress with red ribbon. Her skin is so pale and so as her lips with her long black hair.

I thought to myself, is she a ghost or an angel?

"Are you a ghost? An Angel?" I could not help to voice out what I thought.

I heard her giggling while holding her tummy.

"Of course not! If I were a ghost, you won't be able to hold me." She said while leading my hand to her cold cheeks, but I can still feel the warmth of it indicating that she is real and alive.

I feel relieved at the thought that I'm not talking to a ghost, but to a real person.

"Mr., Are you a kid?" It's her turn to ask me with wide and a concern in her eyes.

"Of course not." I said while frowning.

"Then what is this?" she asks and wipe the tears in my checks with her finger.

I feel embarrassed when I realized that I'm still crying like a little kid. I wipe my tears right away.

"So, what are you doing here little one?" I ask her while my hands are on my waist to hide my embarasement.

"I just want to have a breath of fresh air. I feel like choking inside." She said while looking at the sky with that bitter smile.

"I hope I can have a ten minutes to find an answer how to never fear of death." My gaze just follow her walking backward and she suddenly stops and slowly look at me.

"Will you come with me?" She said while holding out her hands towards me.

A/N: I hope you all enjoy the story that I made. Please share some love with your votes and adding my story to your library. Please do comments also so that I will know your opinions and the things that I need to improve.

Thanks! Love lots


Droplets of HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon