1 - "I said I didn't forget"

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Carter's POV:

I love summer but summer reminds me of one thing. 5 Seconds is Summer. You know the band. They have been having a concerts and creating an ablum. That same one that was on the BBMA's for haveing a hit single in England. The band that is great friends with One Direction. The same ones that are great friends with me back at home but then moved to LA. The band that's main singer is-was my boyfriend. Luke and I left on good terms but I feel as though we just grew apart from one another and it dosent help to have your bestfriend always talking about her boyfriend Calum who is also in the band. What happened to use. The last time I even talked to Luke was three weeks ago over text message. He even forgot about my graduation. I called him but got no answer. I was kind of mad but he is probably busy with his whole famous thing.

Right now I'm in my way back home from shopping with Emma. We went to Urban Outfitters and Tillys at the mall and got a bunch of new shirts, shorts, and bikinis and I got a Vanz snapback. Teenage dream just went off and of course they would play the next song to torture me. I groan when I hear She Look So Perfect on the radio.

" Carter. Stop you can't get sad because you hear their song on the radio.", Emma tells me.

" I'm not mad. It just makes me miss Luke. You know that.", I say.

" I'm just saying ", she says.

" I know Em. I have for to get over this", I say but I know I won't. Everything happened so fast back in December. One second im happy and have an amazing boyfriend then the next he gone. Just like that.

I pull up at my house a few minutes after Emma and I stop talking. We both get out and grab out bags off the floor of the second row in my car.

" Who's car is that?", ask Emma and I look to the side if out house near the side walk. It's just some white hummer sitting there.

" I don't know. It's probably the neighbors just haveing a friend over and the parks more twards out house. It happened ", I blow it off and walk to the front porch of my house. I take out my keys and unlock the door walking into my house with Emma following behind. As I walk in I'm looking down at the floor trying the swing a strand of my hair out of my face. I throw my bags on the floor and slip my shoes off. I see Emma drops her shopping bags and smiles into the living room. What is she doing that?

" Calum! ", she scream and he eyes water and she runs into the living room. Did she just say Calum. Calum Hood. I turn around to see her hugging him. What's going on here? I thought they were in LA! If he is here then that means-

Luke walks into my few across the house in the living room. Ahhh! He's really here! I can't help but run up to him and basically jump on him. Well I do jump on him. I jump and my legs wraps around his sides and he puts his arms around the waist holding me to him. I miss his touch.

" Nice to see you too ", he laughs.

" I missed you", I say.

" Missed you too ", he says as I unravel my legs from around him and the reach the floor again.

" What are you guys doing here?", I ask Luke and Calum because there is no sign if Michael and Ashton.

" We came to see you and visit our old town and family but mostly see you guys ", Calum answers with Emma's arms still wrapped around him.

" Emma if you hug him any tighter you'll break him", I laugh at her.

" Shut up Carter. It's been a long time.", she says and dosent let go of him. She's rights though.

" How long are you guys going to be here ", I ask.

" Only about two days untill we got back.", says Luke.

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