5- "Aww look at the happy couple"

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Carter POV:

"I put stuff in this bag for me. Did you fill the cooler?", I ask Luke. He packed stuff in his bag faster than I did as usall. He went to the kicthen to fill the cooler that we are rolling out to the camp sight. There are tuns of sodas and water that they keep in the pantry and fridge that filled it to the top.

"All done", Luke rolls the blue cooler to the back door that we are walking out if to leave. Ash and Michael have taken a head start with the tents to find our camp sight and set up. As for the rest of use, we are just waiting for Calum to gather the rest of his stuff in his bag.

"Ready!", Calum comes running down the stairs jumping off of the last step with Emma behind him taking her precious time in each step because she is paying to much attention to her phone. Both her and Calum are by far the both addicted to their phones. It's like their phone is their life line. I love my phone but after a while I get bored and need something else to do.

"Good", Luke opens the sliding door with his one free hand. "Lets go"

We all walk outside and walk around the pool that covers most of the back yard. We pass threw a path threw the trees in the yard and into a small forest but I feel like I'm in the jungle and that the money's could be covering the trees all around us. I'm just being creative though.

"The walk isn't far. Just watch out for any bugs", Calum says.

"Bugs!", Emma and I say at the same time while Luke and Calum stay complety relaxed. Wild animals just don't bother be that much. It's the bugs that get me but I'm prepared for that because I have a tent but I still hate bugs. especialy cockroaches, centipedes, and catipullars. I hate the catipullars so much. Everysince I was 8 and my mom told me to stay away from the caterpillars because some are dangerous but I didn't believe her and I loved the little critters then. One day I went outside and touched one with little points on the back of it. That was a huge mistake because my whole hand turned into a giant purple balloon an I could barley feel it.

"I forgot that you hated bugs ", Calum says to Emma.

"Let's not forget Carter's strange fear of caterpillars", Luke says and the guys laugh at us. I should have never told him about that fear of mine.

"Those are dangerous creature Luke!", I protest.

"No they aren't Carter. They are harmless and can't do anything to hurt you"

"You should have said that to her giant arm that she got from a poisoned caterpilar.", Emma answers do me.

"I'm sorry about your arm", he gives a fake apology still laughing at me quietly. He just dosent understand the danger of those little creators and what they can do to an eight yet old girl. If I see one I swear that I will scream like an axe murderer is after me.

"It's right around here ", Calum said leading use the rest of the way through where I see a flat dirt area with three tents already set up for us to sleep in. I sit down my bag next to one of the tents as everyone else sits down their own stuff.

"Where is Ashton and Michael?", I ask.

"They probably went to the lake already", Luke says and starts off into the woods again. We follow along and come across the lake that wasn't to far off. Once we get two the water I see the small dirt hill that you have to slide down to get to the shore and then there is a a tree on the top of the hill that has a rope attached to it that let's you launch yourselves into the water. Then I look out into the lake to see Michael swimming with Ashton in the lake. I look over at Emma and we both have the same excited expression. I start to take off my cloths to strip down into my red bikini and Emma goes in her yellow one. By the time we are done Calum is swimming out to Ashton and Michael and Luke is flying through the air into the water.

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