2 - "Shut up and make your waffle"

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Carter's POV:

I wake up the next morning with Luke's arm wrapped around me from the back. To be honest I was nervous when he got into the bed with me last night in only his briefs. It's not like I'm 'sleeping with him' in that way because we aren't but that made me nervous.

I hear him lightly snoreing against my neck. I try not to wake him up when I get up. I slowly pull his arm from around me and swing my legs off the bed. As soon as I try to stand up I feel two hands wrap around my waist and pull me back.

" Your not escapeing when I just got you back now are you?", Luke says while pulling me back to him and on to his lap.

I laugh. " I'm not escapeing "

" Then where are you going?"

" To brush my teeth like a normal person.", I laugh again. " Now let me go", I try to wiggle out of his grip but he hold me back to him.

" Not until you apologize for calling me Lucus last night ... or else "

" No ",I say just wanting to see what he will do.

" Wrong answer ", he says and my eyes go wide. He starts tickling me like crazy and I'm laughing to hard to stop him. I'm flailing around and out of breath and he just laughs at me. I try to get out of Luke's grip again but he still hold me down. He is just to strong. My laugh echoes threw the room and I try for the third time to free from him by sliding one of my hands between his arm and my stomach.

" I'm free! ", screen standing up from the bed catching my breath. " Ha!"

" Not for long Knight ", he starts to climb out of the bed and I ran to my bathroom door as he chases after me. I step inside and close the door just as he gets there.

" Aww come on Carter. Your not going to let me in? I have to brush me teeth too", he whines from outside if the door.

" You will ", I say. " Once I'm done ", I laugh and turn around to start the water at the sink.

I take my time to brush my teeth and wash my face before opening the door back into my room. I walk outside slowly thinking that Luke will be out there ready to attack me. I creep out of my bathroom but once I scan the room I noticed that he isn't even in here. What the hell?

I walk to my bedroom door and start to smell bacon. I walk down the stairs to see Luke cooking in the kitchen with his jeans on but he decieded not to put back on is shirt- not that mind.

" What are you doing? ", i ask getting into the kicthen.

" Making breakfast "

" What type of breakfast?", I walk around the island.

" Waffles and bacon ", he says.

" Yumm " I say as he turns to flips a piece of bacon on the stove. I sit on the island while he gets a bowl for the waffle mix. " Since when do you cook?"

" I don't but I can make waffles and waffles are all that matters to me ", he smiles putting the waffle mix in the bowl.

" Waffles are all that matter ", I mock what he just said. I even did an Australian accent.

" Woah. Carter thinks she's so slick mocking my accent ", he says pouring the batter into the waffle iron. He then turns off the stove for the bacon.

" Yup ", I kick my feet back and forth.

" Hmm I'll have to get you back for that. It may not be now but I'll get you.", he puts his arms on either side of me next to my hips on the counter top.

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