7- "The boys call me Fraytrain"

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"London!", Ashton cheers as we take a look out at the London, England streets on the side of the airport. We have landed after hours of jumping from plane to plane and avoiding fans from all three airports. Geez, just getting here is an adventure it's self.

"Guys tonight is what we have been waiting for since shopomore year", Calum says a we all wait on the sidewalk for our car.

"I know. This is it isn't it", Luke takes a deep breath looking around at our surrounding.

"We are going to rock out tonight. This has to be out best performance ever because this is the place we dreamed of performing. It's a sold out huge concert and this is the first concert that Emma and Carter have ever seen", Ashton says.

"Don't let me down", Emma points her finger at all of them.

"Since when did we you down?". Calum wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"Never I'm just joking. I think this concert will be great", she says.

"I know I'm excited too. I have to make sure to wear my 5sos t-shirt. Emma you have to wear yours too", I say.

"It's in the top of my suit case. We are gonna twin. White 5sos shirt, jean shorts, and white converse", she plains the whole outside. It's just what I was going to wear anyways.

"Wow you two are such girls", Michael chuckles crossing his arms.

"Sorry for our girly-ness", I say mocking his voice and a rolling my eyes. I'm just kidding though and he knows.

"Mrs.Knight", Michael fake gasp." I don't like your attitude"

"Oh sush", I say and we both laugh.

"Cars are here!", Luke points out the two black Escalades pulling up.

"Cars?", I ask looking up at Luke. Why is he so damn tall?

"Yeah. We have to go to the stadium for sound check but the car will take you to the hotel where we are already checked in. You two are aloud to go up and put your stuff away and then meet us back at the stadium whenever you want to", he says and the two drivers pull the doors open to the serperate cars.

"Okay. We should be there in an hour or so. I need to take a shower". I give Luke a quick hug before we get in our cars and go our separate ways.


" Okay here is your key miss", the boy in a tux hands us our room key after putting the bags in the rooms. I don't know how much both of these rooms cost but they are really nice. We have to adjoining hotel rooms that connect by a door. Each hotel room as two beds in two different rooms and one shared huge master bathroom and a kitchen in one of the rooms. On top of that, One Direction is across the hall.

"This hotel room gives me life", Emma twirls around in the kitchen.

"Did you just say 'gives me life'? You like a valley girl", I smile shaking my head at her.

"Oh come on who dosent like valley girl accents", she says and clears her trout for her interpretation of the accent. "Like literally Carrer your being so rude right now like oh my god. Like OMG I tot's still love you though. We is bbf for life so I will tots like literally like always love you"

I clap."Impressive"

It was actually a spot on valley girl accent." Come on lets take showers and get to the stadium before sound check is over for the guys", I say and we go into the two bathrooms in the large hotel room. Shower time!

It only takes me 30 minutes to shower and gets dressed. When I walk around the two connecting hotel rooms I find Emma in the kitchen leaning against the counter not faceing me. I walk over and see us both wearing the same out fits.

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