Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

"Bubba!" The distant howl of one of my many nicknames had woken me today. My eyes shot open and I groaned hearing his voice. "Kels? Bubba why is Kels here?" I furrowed my brows and my eyes widened when I realised Kelsey and I were still sleeping in the same bed, even when our parents were here.

"Kelsey? Where?" I hid Kelsey under the blankets and Jax furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Where did she go?"

"Luke Brooks I do not appreciate being suffocated this early in the morning!" Kelsey threw the covers off her and Jax gasped. "Oh...Jax..." Kelsey stared at the little boy wide-eyed and tried to hide her body, hoping he really just thought it was a trick of the eye and not reality. It seemed as if we were caught in the act of a dirty deed-or I hoped my brother didn't think that's what we were doing. I prayed he would not blurt anything out to my parents or hers.

"Good morning Kels!" He beamed and tossed the covers off us and wedged his way into the middle of us. "Merry Christmas!"

"Good morning and Merry Christmas to you too and to you Luke." Kelsey blushed brightly

"Good morning and Merry Christmas to the both of you." I scratched the nape of my neck.

"I-uhm going to change." She nodded quickly, rushing out of the room, flustered and embarrassed that my brother saw us.

"Have you changed?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Go and get your clothes and I'll help you change in here." I stretched as he ran. He came a few seconds later as I had left the bathroom. He followed me into my closet.

"Are you and Kels like mummy and daddy?" Jax questioned as I helped with his jeans, doing the button for him. I choked on my spit hearing this question.

"Why would you think we were like mother and father?"

I stared at him straight in his eyes, my gaze boring into his and he smiled sweetly at me, pulling on a stripey shirt and then a grey jumper over it. I stood changing and waiting for him to answer. I was mid-way in pulling my white hoodie over my head when I heard him say, "You're in love."

"W-what?" I spluttered out, rushing to put the clothing on.

"You look in love Bubba." He giggled, fixing my attire. "You give each other glances and lovey looks." I stood there baffled as my brother fixed my watch on my wrist and carried on 'dressing' me as he talked. "You sleep together like mummy and daddy and you call her princess and stuff. She looks at you when you're not looking and you look at her when she's not looking and if you catch each other looking you either blush or smirk or look away embarrassed. Mummy told me that was love."

"You asked mummy?" I inhaled sharply.

"I asked what real love was Bubba, don't worry." He pulled me down, so he could fix my hood. "Please, can you do my laces." I nodded absentmindedly, not aware of what to do with all this new information or how to feel about it. "I can't wait till you and Kels are like mummy and daddy."

"How so?" I tied his laces into a bow.

"Married." He furrowed his brows as I did his laces.

"I'm only 18 bubs." I chuckled.

"Legal age, Maddie told me." He nodded with a familiar trademark Brooks' smirk. He's already becoming a cheeky little shit. "Can I have some of that Versace?!" I nodded, ignoring that he forgot his manners. I fixed my glasses as we walked into my room and we sprayed the scent on the both of us.

"Do you think..." I trailed off, he was young, he wouldn't know. I was asking a child if a girl loved me! I cannot believe this.

"She loves you? Yeh." He nodded, covering with me like an adult which made me smile. "She makes those lovey-dovey eyes."

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