Chapter 28

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Luke's POV

I dug my fork into my steak, the tension was thick between us all and it made some shuffle in their seats whilst others sat ridged. "Stop that Luke." My Father ordered me and I carried on.

"I'm eating." My lips stayed in a straight line as my cold eyes stared at him.

"Say what you have to say."

"Sebastian let's not-"

"I wanted to discuss your need to tell people about how disgraceful I am." I dug into the steak, stabbing my knife into it.

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"I heard you," I muttered. "You were laughing about my apparent scandals and my mental health father."

"I did-"

I cut him off, "don't deny what has already happened. You were dismissing my mental health in front of people and instead of being a supportive damn father you're a f-"

"Luke James Brooks language and tone please!" My Mother spoke sternly, her voice cutting through the both of us. "I don't want this conversation to go on any longer."

"I was not talking about you. Merely talking about a phase you went through, including a few odd b-"

My cheeks heated up as anger boiled in me. I stabbed the knife into my steak, "you talked of me in such a way?!" I glowered and then kept cutting my steak. "Once Father you know, we had a good relationship as son and father? Something one would envy but now, because of you, we act like such barbarians."

"Me? Luke, maybe you haven't realised by the strain on our relationship is you, not me."

"I resent you," I spoke coldly. "I mean sure grandmother made me find good aspects in you but, she's dead." I looked at him dead in the eyes. "She's as dead as she can be and along went with her all the respect I had for you."

"Her death wasn't my fault."

"We could have prevented it." I retorted across the table. "Much like this argument that we're having now."

"Her death was not my fault." He repeated.

"She died in front of me." I looked at him disgusted. "You didn't stop it and neither did you." I glanced at my mother.

"Luke James Brooks, how many times have I told you it was not your father's fault neither mine. She was my mum Luke, remember that."

"I massively derailed because of that you know? I mean ask my therapist-" I paused with laughter waving my fork, "the one I didn't sleep with." My face twisted, "actually ask them both, they'll tell you."

"You hardly speak to your therapists."

"Be quiet Maddison," I growled at her.

"Do not use that tone on your sister."

"Would you rather me tell her to shut up?" I retorted. "I derailed because of her death, none of you thought to tell me that she was dying. I mean of course I knew but none, and I mean none of you thought to come to me and tell me, oh yeh she's dying or something." I chewed on the halal steak. "She was the only person I trusted in the family. I mean look at all of you." I spat maliciously. "You're all even more messed up than me in every way. She would give great advice too but then she died. Flat out on the floor. Then I committed suicide." I waved my fork.

"Luke, you may play that card on me when you decide to act in a more mature way. Blame her death on us, but I blame you for the near death of Jaxon."

I slammed the fork onto the table and he knew he had got me where he wanted, "that was not my fault."

"But it was." He counter-argued. His voice cold and as dangerous as thin ice. "You see son, he was strapped into the back and you were driving at a very high speed. To this day we don't know if you were on drugs or drinking at the time being-"

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