Chapter Two

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I slowly made my way home from school when my mind poured with flashbacks of Keith staring at me in English, depressed at lunch, and talking to me in science. He was weird. There's just not something right about him. It's like he's hiding something.

Something that could kill us all or- I shook my head and laughed out loud at the thought. What could a sixteen turning seventeen year old boy do or know that could kill us all?? Hahaha! What an outrageous thought. I laughed as I walked into my house.

"What's so funny honey?” Mom questioned with a smile.

"Mmm? Oh! No nothing just a silly thought is all."

"Oh and does this thought have to do with a boy perhaps?” she asked with a knowing look plastered on her face.

"What?! No mom! No not at all.....uh I gotta go! Stuff to do! You know...uh...homework! You know me!! Busy, busy!" I shouted as I ran upstairs away from my mother's questions of who I was thinking about.

"Okay!! Dinners going to be ready in an hour so please do wash up!!" she shouted back.

"Okay!!" I yelled a reply.

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He stepped forward, grabbing his once clean white cloth, now a dark red from the blood he's been wiping from his hands. He smelled of sweat and dry blood that was not his. He smiled at himself at his achievement of killing another man. He wiped his left hand clean of the dark substance. When he saw his mark, his scar, his wound created from that monster they call a doctor so long ago, he looked at his mark.

His mind flashed of the memory he's been trying so hard to forget, but it was too late to rid him of this horrid memory. It came and hit him cold like being hit with an ice cold bucket of water. He found himself back in the cold dark room with nothing but one light shining intensely into his eyes and a table filled with a variety of different knifes, whips and blades of all kinds. He was tied to a chair from the waist, his hands in handcuffs. He was terrified on the inside, but his face showed no emotion.

Dr. Jacobson strolled into the light slowly, the light gradually gracing his handsome clean shaved features. He was a short man with black hair slicked back with grease. He had on a black suit and white tie. He smiled at him. He grabbed what seemed to be a kitchen knife and twirled it around in his fingers. Fear burst into his chest at the sight while the doctor laughed at his terror.

"Ready to play a little game honey?” he said in his smooth and gentle yet evil voice.

"Yes," he said, trying to act tougher then he actually was.

"Good. Tell me, are you still seeing dead people crying out your name over and over again in the shadows?" The doctor said in a calm voice, still fiddling with the knife mindlessly in his hands.

"N-no..." The patient lied, trying to make it sound convincing.

"LIAR!" Jacobson bellowed sounding angry.

"No, that wasn't a lie!" he pleaded.

He had a vicious smile plastered on his face. He came to the table, put the kitchen knife back in its place, and grabbed a slightly bigger and sharper knife. He played with it in his hands again.

"Mmm right. Don't lie this time; have your nightmares gotten worse?” 

He gulped and shook his head staring at the ground. The doctor grabbed a chair and sat in front of him staring into his face, squinting at him trying to break him down. Jacobson leaned in close to the man.

"Why do you always lie to me? There's no need! Hahaha, we're all friends here! You need to trust me. I'm your doctor. But to insure you don't lie to me anymore, I'm going to give you a little reminder..." He grinned and yanked his left hand bringing his hands to his lap. He got his knife, Jabbing into his hand.

"No no please stop stop I’ll-I’ll stop PLEASE!!"

The cries were getting louder, pleading for him to get away and stop. He giggled at his begging.

"Honey I haven't even touched you yet, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt one bit." 

He smirked. The knife dug into his flesh, his blood getting everywhere. Cries and yells filled the whole hospital.


He started sobbing while yelling as he watched this vile horrible creature mark his hand scarring him for life.

Blood going everywhere. His vision was going blurry remembering only the sound of his laughter echoing into his unconsciousness.

He shuddered as he came out of his flashback. He felt cold, his eyes watering, his face red out of anger. He got up and flipped his chair. His screams filled the entire abandoned building. He walked over and punched a hole into the wall. He looked down at his knuckles, his right hand dripped with dark blood onto the ground.

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I flipped on the TV right as the news began. It went to a blonde woman with hair in a ponytail. She was around her late thirties early forties. She wore a grey pant suit.

"Hello I'm Garcia Caden. Good evening and welcome to National News, there's been a report on the murder of Dr. John Jacobson at 6:00 pm this evening, investigations running by Detective Inspector Gordon Bell, to you.”

The news report went to the Detective who was a middle aged man with greying light brown hair, wearing a grey suit with an over coat.

"The murder took place inside Dr. Jacobson's home, no sign of a break in so we suspect that the Doctor knew the murderer. He was killed by a knife to the throat. The murderer slit the victims throat and let him bleed to death. We don't know if it's a man or a woman but we do advise everyone to stay in their homes, and if you are going out don't go out alone stay in a group of people. Thank you back to you Miss. Caden." 

The news went back to Garcia Caden. "Thank you Detective-"

I shut off the TV I didn't want to watch any more television after that, I lied down and closed my eyes letting sleep take over me...

I was running, my blood pounding through my veins screaming to get more air. I gasped for air, breathing in gulps and gulps of oxygen trying to get away from my offender. My killer.

I ran into my house locking the door behind me. I ran pounding into the kitchen looking for anything to hurt the criminal. I found a butcher knife and held it close for protection.

I heard the door bang open, and running footsteps coming closer and closer into the kitchen. I froze in fear not knowing what else to do. I saw him. He came in walking slowly towards me. He was faceless. Just a blank face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose...nothing. I looked closely and I saw just from a glimpse that this man possessed no soul.

He wore a white t-shirt stained dark red of blood, and black pants like the night. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. I stood there unable to move, unable to scream, unable to do anything but stand in paralyzed fear.

He came to me and put his hands around my neck, slowly choking me. My knife fell to the floor. I wrapped my hands around his, trying to get him off of me but it didn't work. Nothing that I tried worked. He slowly put me into unconsciousness, my eyes blurring only seeing that faceless man over me...

I woke up screaming in terror, tears streaming down my face.

I was covered in cold sweat. My mom came bounding down the stairs towards me. She ran into the living room and hugged me, rocking me to calm me down.

"Kathryn, it’s okay shhhh shhhhh it was just a nightmare. It's okay it wasn't real. I'm here it's okay," my mom whispered in my ear. I nodded, my cheeks staining with tears.

After I calmed down, I went into my room. I got into bed, refusing to let sleep possess me…

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