Chapter Fourteen

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Hunter sat on the ledge of his building that was four stories high. He let his legs swing over the edge. He sighed deeply as he stared at the town.

"It looks like a war zone," Hunter mumbled. He stared at the crumbled town beneath him. Buildings were burned and crumpled. Ash was everywhere on the streets and buildings.

He closed his eyes and let the breeze go through his short black hair. He gave a sad smile. Hunter forgot what the breeze used to feel like...he also forgot what it felt like to be normal. To be loved and not feared. He forgot what it felt like to be human.

He heard the occasional gun shots and laughter. He slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a couple times to adjust to the light.

He sighed. He looked down at his jeans and absentmindedly played with the loose thread on his jeans. Slowly he made the thread longer and longer. Before he knew it he dug a small hole in his pants. He ripped out the thread hastily and threw it off the edge. He watched the thread fly away in the wind.

"Just like my sanity," Hunter whispered. He suddenly got the feeling of sadness in his chest.

Hunter's body was shaking. He looked down at his hands. They were shaking uncontrollably. He felt his breathing quicken. He squeezed his eyes shut. He tried so hard to control his emotions. He moved quickly off of the ledge and started pacing on the roof with his closed fists.

Hunter needed to kill. He needed to kill now. Killing got him to calm down. Killing made sure he had no feelings. Killing an innocent soul made him better. Made him less human. And that's something that Hunter learned over time. It's better to not feel then feel at all. And that's what killing did, it made him not feel.

He ran his fingers through his hair, the more anxious he got the messier his hair was. He took deep ragged breaths.

Hunter Richardsen: the great murderer, the ruler of Blue Mound, was having a panic attack.

He heard men's laughter down below and instantly stopped moving. Without hesitation the criminal sprinted to the door and ran down the four flights of stairs.

On the way to the door he swiftly picked up a dagger. He kicked open the door and laid his eyes on the crowd of men who were all laughing like they just came out of a joker's shop. Once the crowd saw hunter staring at them they all stopped; except for one poor soul in the back.

"Why did we all stop?!?" the young man yelled from behind. The crowd all exchanged looks of hesitance and sacredness. They all moved to either sides and made a path from hunter to the confused man.

Hunter's eyes sparkled when he saw the man. His fingers slide cleanly over the blade, giving him delightful shivers down his spine. The kind of shivers that he only gets from killing.

"Will you come here for a moment?" Hunter asked politely.

The man nodded. He took shaky steps, and the whole crowd was dead silent. He finally made it to Hunter. He looked up shyly.

"Yes sir -"

Hunter grabbed the young man and turned him around so he was facing the crowd. Hunter stabbed his back side twice, the blood from his body got all over Hunter's torso and legs.

The man was choking out violently. Hunter grabbed his neck and snapped it. He threw his body to the crowd. They all jumped back in surprise, but they refused to say anything as Hunter was smiling like a school boy at recess.

Hunter turned around with a final nod and made his way inside. He took a deep breath as he closed the door behind him. He leaned against it and closed his eyes. Hunter was filled with a numbing happiness.

"I'm back to normal," Hunter mumbled as a smirk slid across his lips.

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"Go fish."


"Sorry, I think your confusing that with another card game."

"That's Donkey! It's not called jackass, dumbass!"

"MISS CHAMBERS!! LANGUAGE!" Keith yelled with mock horror. His scream could be heard over the freaking forest.

"Whatever," I grumble as I pick up another card for the sixth time. I was really bad at go fish.

"Hey! Don't hate me because you ain't me!" Keith laughed.

"Wow." I roll my eyes jokingly at his comment and chuckle. We looked at each other and smiled. I'm so glad I have Keith with me. I don't think I'd be able to survive this whole thing without him.

"So why are we playing card games? Shouldn't we help out? With trying to get more food and water and all the surviving needs?" Keith asked as he put his cards down on the table. I gave him a look. I gulped.

"Well, I needed a break from going out," I replied hesitantly, I stared at my hands.

"You never told me what happened... do you want to talk about it?" Keith said softly. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up and I found his chocolate brown eyes staring softly into mine. He gave me a reassuring smile, I nodded slowly. I closed my eyes for a moment and then I told him.

I told Keith everything. From meeting Hunter, to the patients chasing us, to us getting lost in the forest and even my nightmare.

"I'm scared Keith, I'm really scared! I could kill! I mean it's not that impossible I could do it, I can turn into that monster! I mean look where we are!! We are in a war zone! Me killing is entirely possible and I'm scared!" I was hyperventilating and sobbing. I was freaking out.

I was letting out all the emotions that I held in all day yesterday and today. Keith got up from across the table and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and started rocking me in his arms.

"It's alright Kathryn, it's alright. I believe in you. I know you won't kill. I promise you," Keith whispered lightly in my ear while he was stroking me. His stroking made me calm down. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while Keith was hugging me.

"Thank you, Keith that really helped."

I gave him a small smile. He nodded and let go, he looked at me with a smile.

"Are you sure you're alright now?" He asked as he wiped a tear from rolling down my cheek. That gesture sent all different kinds of emotions through me.

"Yea, yea I'm alright. I'm going to go get a bottle of water. I'll be right back," I told Keith as I got up rather quickly.

"Um, alright."

I walked away to where they kept some bottles of water. We are supposed to share a bottle with another person so it'd save us more water. I got one and I stared at it. I replayed what Keith said in my head.

I know you won't kill.

Deep down inside me, I secretly knew that it was entirely possible. I knew that I could.

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Hunter sat and watched through the window as the regular crowd of patients were playing with knives and guns of all shapes and sizes.

But he was only interested in one particular movement. He watched as two patients, roughly around the age of 20-22 were playing catch with a fairly small knife, so that if one caught it wrong they wouldn't die.

He watched as the knife flickered between the two boys, they were laughing and having fun. Hunter noticed that all the other patients were placing bets on who would drop the knife first.

Hunter rolled his eyes at their silly games and turned around. He got up and walked over to his weapons. He slid his fingers across all the variety of guns, knives, chains and crowbars.

Hunter's imagination ran wild. So many plans, ideas and outlines ran through his beautiful mind. Until, one idea stuck out to him as perfect.

"Oh that sounds delicious," Hunter said with delight has he gave a low rumbly chuckle.

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