Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of laughing caught my attention. I was put in charge of being the guard in case the patients found us while we were sleeping.

I looked around and shrugged. It was probably just me hearing things. I closed my eyes for a moment, hugging my giant stick that I'm using as a weapon.

I heard it again only fainter. A little girl laughing.

"Hello?!" I called.




I got up from my spot and walked around everyone else. I held my stick in defense in case a wolf or something came popping out of the bushes. I heard the high pitched laughing coming from behind me.

I gulped nervously. I clutched the stick tighter. I saw my knuckles turning white through the darkness. I heard it again only it was coming from my left. My breathing quickened as I slowly turned around.


My whole body was shaking as I took a step closer to the noise. "H-hello?!” I stuttered quietly, not wanting to wake up anyone.

The laughter sounded more like a cry then joy. I walked over to the bush where I heard it. I slowly grabbed my stick harder, my hands where making the stick shake violently. The stick felt through the bush. I felt relief and fear when I felt nothing in the bush except a string.

My face scrunched up in confusion as I lifted the stick. A string was caught on it. I lifted it up more and at the end of the string was a doll. It was a white china doll, with long black hair. It had a white dress on. Instead of eyes the doll had gaping holes. There also was a large crack from the left eye to the forehead. The doll had a creepy smile on its face. My breathing quickened.

"Momma!!!" the doll screamed. I jumped in surprise. I screamed. Out of panic I grabbed the doll and whipped her across the forest, not sure where it landed in the dark, but all I knew was it was far away.

"Hahaha Momma!!" 

I froze. My heart was hammering against my rib cage. I turned around and found the doll sitting up right behind my feet. The only explanation is that someone is out there in the woods watching my every move.

I looked at my large stick then I looked at the doll. I clutched the stick hard enough that it could snap at any given moment. I leaned forward and smashed the dolls precious head into shards. A smile curled at my lips. I threw my stick onto the dry dirt beneath me. I turned back around and I felt a gasp escape my lips.

Not you again.

There stood the little girl with perfect black ringlet hair. Her eyes were stone cold blue and her pale skin was stained with blood. Her mouth was covered with it; it looked like she had just scarfed down a wolf. Her white dress was drenched in blood. It was dripping into the dirt.

"This is your entire fault you know," The girl told me in a deep demonic voice.

"My fault!!?" I said with shock. I looked around me and saw that my group members were all tied to the trees by their necks. Hanging in mid-air, their bodies were swaying motionless in the dark as blood started dripping from them. All their faces had the same thing: eyes taken out and had big X's carved into their skin, covering both sides of the face. I felt my mouth quiver as tears started to come.

"I didn't do this, YOU DID!" I screamed as I picked up my stick from the ground.

The girl chuckled.

"You don’t understand, I am you...I am inside of you Kathryn...I'm your dark side." Her mouth formed a sly grin

"W-what?!" I stuttered as I slowly started backing away.

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