Chapter Sixteen

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I was running in an open sunflower field. I felt the wind through my hair and the glorious sun shining down on my face. I looked over my shoulder and doubled over laughing at the site in front of me.

There lay Keith on the grass getting licked to death by an oversized golden retriever. He eventually shoved the dog off of him; he wiped the slobber off his cheeks in disgust. He walked to me with a frowning face which made me laugh even harder. I wiped the tears from my face as I calmed down.

"It's not that funny," Keith whined. I gave him a look, and he gave me a look. We stared at each other before we burst into laughter again. After our laughing fit was over we started walking down the hill towards the pond that was infested with ducks of all shapes and sizes.

"LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Keith screamed over his shoulder as he was sprinting to the pond. I blinked before I realized what just happened and I took off at lightning speed. I got to the pond trying to catch my breath as Keith was cheering victoriously.

"You cheater!" I whined through gasps of breath.

"You're just a sore loser my friend," he stuck out his tongue at me before plopping down onto the wet green grass. I rolled my eyes as my breathing finally calmed down. I lay beside him while watching the ducks peacefully swim in the pond. Everything was silent except for the trees whistling in the wind and the occasional quack!

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I never felt so calm and at bliss in my whole life. Maybe it was the fact that I had Keith by my side or that it was a beautiful calm day. But whichever one it was I didn't care.

"Kathryn, wake up!" I heard Keith's voice say, I opened my eyes and gave him a confused look.

"Keith I am awake..." I told him, completely confused. Keith put his hands on my shoulders and started shaking me violently.

"KATHRYN! KATHRYN!" he yelled in my face. I wanted to push his arms away and run away but I couldn't. Almost in slow motion I closed my eyes to blink and when I reopened them I found myself back in the old hotel, back where my mom is dead, back in hell.

I looked around me and found Keith hovering above me. He had a worried look in his eyes. I sat up and glared at him. I was having the most perfect dream, the kind of dream I haven’t had in a long time, a dream that I certainly needed after yesterday, and Keith ruined it.

"What do you want?" I snapped sharply at him.

"Oh uh, you weren't moving in your sleep and it looked like you weren't breathing properly, so I got scared and woke you up," Keith said shyly. He stared at the ground with his head hung low, looking like a sad puppy that did something wrong. Instantly feeling guilty at snapping at him, I came over and gave him a short hug.

"Thanks for worrying about me," I told him quietly. He looked at me and gave me a small nod.

"Well, that and we are about to have a group meeting..." he told me as he got up. He gave me his hand and helped me up.

"Meeting for...?" I asked as I followed Keith to the growing group of people at the reception desk, like at the night of the riot. The night that I had my mom by my side. Pain struck my insides and I felt a tear run down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and immediately thought of what my mom would want me to do.

She'd what me to be strong! Strong for myself. No more crying Kathryn, you can't handle any more crying.

"It's a meeting about the showdown today at noon," Keith replied as we met up with the crowd. I nodded in response. Everyone was giving me concerning glances. I crossed my arms over my chest. I hate getting a lot of attention.

"Hello everyone," Keith's dad called as he stepped onto the desk. We gave a murmur of "hello" and nods.

"I'd like to start off by saying, Kathryn I'm deeply sorry for your lose and I hope you get better." 

He looked at me with sadness and pity. I wish everyone just stopped giving me pity.

"Thank you Mr. Lawrence," He gave me a stern nod.

"Now, do we all agree to do this showdown?!" he asked. I noticed that everyone around me exchanged nervous glances before replying.

"Yeah!!!" A guy bellowed in the back which started a chain reaction of cheering and wooing. It seemed that they were all pumped for this which I couldn't figure out why. Keith wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you sure you want to do this Kathryn?" He whispered with concern. I looked up in his eyes and gave a strong nod. On the outside I may have looked strong and fearless, but really I was scared like a little mouse. But I refused to let that show.

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Hunter was blowing punches hard and fast at his punching bag that he found a couple of days ago in a trashed gym. He hanged it up and used the punching bag as a way to relieve anger and stress.

His hands were wrapped in gauze, so they wouldn't get bruised or cut with his punches. He felt sweat drip down from his forehead and down his neck. He stopped punching and stretched out his sore muscles. He paused in mid move and watched as the blue dusty punching bag swung from side to side. It was mesmerizing.

Hunter stood there letting his thoughts wander and worries lift off his bare shoulders. A bang from outside broke him out of his trance. He took a deep breath and walked away from the punching bag and sat on the bench.

The showdown doesn't sound so entertaining...I need more fun than that, Hunter thought to himself as he unwrapped his left hand from the gauze. He started on his right hand when the thought came to him. He dropped the gauze and let it flutter onto the floor. I need a playmate, Hunter thought as he once again grabbed the fabric and finished his task at hand.

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I sat on a boulder outside that looked out to the forest and town ahead of me. I had to get out of the hotel. It got to the point that it felt like I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes and breathed in the beautiful fresh air. I felt the slight breeze through my hair and smiled. It felt so good to have time alone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could turn my head around to see who it was the hand wrapped around my neck. I froze and felt my heart beat quicken.

"Hello, dearie" were the last words I heard before I felt a wet cloth go over my mouth and nose and I blurred into unconsciousness.

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