"Agh! I'm fine!" I whined as my mother and Angelo hovered over me.
It's been a day. A DAY, since I got out of the hospital and they are treating me like a suicidal case. Just because my baby died. But when I saw Morgan it gave me peace. Everyone was saying it was a dream. I didn't believe them though. I knew it wasn't. I got up frustrated. I slipped out the back door, getting some space. My dad was gone on a business trip. I sometimes wish I wasn't a only child. I was walking around when I heard someone shout my name. I turned to see Adam running up to me.
"Hello there," he grinned at me.
I blushed and smiled.
"Hey?" I replied.
"So what are you doing? Got out early I see," Adam started to walk with me.
"Yes and now I'm being treated like a baby," I grumbled.
"Well, there is this amusement park we could go to," Adam smiled at me.
An amusement park? I don't know the last time I've been to one. I got excited. I could have a break. And this isn't a date. I mean, I look like poo wearing clothes. But whateves.
"That would be Awesome!" I yelled.
"Okay let's do it," Adam said.
"I mean not that way. Like as in-" Adam blushed as he started to explain until I waved it off.
"It's all good. Just chill," I echoed Morgan's saying.
Haha no wonder why he said that. It's better then saying shut up. Adam nodded and scratched his head. We caught a bus and chatted on the way. I found out Adam isn't a great dancer. So I bugged him about us having a dance off on the Wii. He said sure, but he has mad skills. We got there and Adam paid our way in.
"Which one first?" he asked.
I looked at them. Then I choose randomly. It was the most fun I had in my life.

Him, Them, Me || A Rebel Coast FanFic|| ***UNEDITED***
FanficWeird, kind of mean, funny, tomboy at most times, thinker, and a wild child is what really sums me up. But according to Angelo, Curtis, Kyle, Amer, and Ryan, I'm more then that. But then my friends are ripped away f...