Almost Love

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*** Liam's P.O.V. ***

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Shit Sophie! Wait. Sophie? Why is she here?

"What do you mean what the fuck am I doing here?! What are you doing here? You're ruining everything! Fuck!" I hear another girl yell as I start walking towards the door to my hotel room. Danielle? What is she doing here?

"I'm his girlfriend! I have every right to be here! I'm not the one ruining everything! You are! Don't you have anything better to do!? Can't you go fuck up someone else's life!?" Sophie screams. I should open the door and stop them from potentially trying to murder each other, but I'm frozen in my spot.

"No! I have every intention to ruin your life! I'm not about to let another bitch like you try and use him! I'm here to try and get him to see that he doesn't need you and that he only needs me!" Danielle screams at Sophie.

"If he wanted you he wouldn't have left you!" Sophie screamed back.

"He didn't leave me, I left him!" Well someone's a little lie face.

"If you left him then why the fuck are you still trying to fuck up his life!?" I can't let this go on any longer. I open the door and the two girls turn to look at me with pure rage in their eyes.

"Baby!" Danielle says to me.

"Oh save your breathe sweet heart. He doesn't love you anymore! Why can't you get that through your fucking head!?" Sophie yells at her while taking a step towards her.

"Ok, ok. Let's just calm down." I say stepping in front of Sophie.

"No! I'm done with her shit. I've been staying calm for so long. I haven't said anything every time she did shit like this for your sake. Now I'm fed up and I'm thirty seconds away from beating a bitch." Sophie says.

"HARRY!!" I yell. I need to separate them, but I also need to keep Sophie from going to prison for attempted murder.

"What? What is so fucki- oh." Harry says opening his door.

"Either keep Sophie here or walk Danielle out. It's your pick." I tell him.

"I'll watch Sophie." Harry says walking up to Sophie and I and grabs her arm. I nod my head and walk over to Danielle.

"Let's go." I say grabbing her arm and lead her down the hallway. Danielle turns her head and looks back at Sophie and Harry.


"Alright feisty pants. Into the room." I hear Harry say as I turn the corner and lead Danielle to the elevator. Neither of us say anything as we ride all the way down to the lobby. Once we step out of the elevator I lead Danielle to the front doors and step outside. Luckily all of the fans that we here earlier went home.

"Liam!!" Well most of them.

"Hi ladies. I really hate to do this. Please don't be upset with me. I love you girls I really do, but now really isn't the time. I'm kind of in the middle of a very stressful situation. I promise if you make it a point to see me tomorrow I will definitely sign something and take pictures. I really am sorry." I tell them.

"No it's alright. I hope everything turns out ok. We will defiantly try to find you tomorrow." The girls say. They then turn and walk back in the direction they came.

"You really need to stop hiding your feelings for me." Danielle says.

"What feelings? I've told you countless times that there are no feelings for you anymore. If there were I'd still be with you. Please just go home. I don't know how else to say this, other than just bluntly saying no one wants you here. You have no place here. We aren't together. You need to accept that and move on. I've tried to be nice to you about this but you've given me no other choice. You are trying everything you can to ruin the one normal thing in my life and I'm not having it. Whatever grudge you have against me you need to let go of it. Leave and don't come back." I say to her.

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