Bitches Trying to Talk Shit

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*** Liam's P.O.V. ***

"You're joking?" I said into the phone. Simon called to tell me an important announcement.

"No, I'm not. I'm being completely honest right now. She wants you boys on the show. The show is next week." Simon said to me.

"Wait. Let me just make sure I'm hearing you correctly. Ellen Degeneres, like the Ellen, wants us, One Direction, on her show?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yes. Now notify the rest of the boys and start packing. You fly to America tomorrow." Simon said and then hung up before I could say anything else. I think he was just annoyed with me, but we are going to be on Ellen!

After Simon ended the call I called the rest of the boys and told them exactly what Simon told me to tell them. Then I decided I would text Sophie. She should be up by now. It's six thirty in the morning there and it's Tuesday. She has to be up for school.

To Sophie:

Hey babe! Please tell me you're awake?

About a minute later I got a response.

From Sophie:

Yes I'm awake. What's wrong?

To Sophie:

Nothing. Everything is perfect actually. I have some big news to tell you.

From Sophie:

What is it?

To Sophie:

Simon just called and said that we are going to be on Ellen!! Ellen wants us, One Direction, on her show!

From Sophie:

Wow! That's incredible!! Congrats!! I'll make sure that I'm watching it and recording it so I don't miss anything!! Lol

To Sophie:

Thank you! Lol I'm sure the boys, and myself, will greatly appreciate that. :) what are your plans for today?

From Sophie:

I have school and then volleyball workouts after school. That's about it.

To Sophie:

Sounds like fun.

From Sophie:

Not really

To Sophie:

Well I'll let you go then so you can finish getting ready and get to school.

From Sophie:

Ok. Congrats again. Tell the rest of the boys I said congrats and I'll talk to you..whenever I guess..

To Sophie:

Hopefully soon. Xxxx

I miss her so much. I wish I didn't live so far away from her. Maybe I'll surprise her when we go to America.

***Sophie's P.O.V. ***

I looked up at the clock for what seemed like the thousandth time today, and the time has only changed five minutes from the last time I looked. I have ten more minutes of this dreaded class and then I can go to lunch. I honestly hate Biomedical Sciences. I don't know why I took this class. I decide to waste my time by playing stupid games on my iPad.

Finally, those ten minutes pass and I'm walking to lunch with Michelle and our friends Margaret and Melanie.

"Sophie!" I hear someone call, so I turn around to see Shannon running after me. She just moved back here a couple weeks ago. Her and I used to be best friends, then one day she stopped talking to me. "Hey. Is it alright if I sit with you guys today?" She asked after she finally caught up with us.

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