Big Bad World

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For the majority of my life, I had been wrapped up in my own little world. Mostly I've been afraid of facing obstacles that scare me to death. There are so many reasons why this is, but no one has ever cared enought to listen, so no one knows. Not even my parents know who I am. My dad seems to think that buying my love is a better advantage than to put an effort into actually loving me. It's more convenient for him to buy me the newest car and the newest clothes. Loving someone would take an effort, and he was never one to be fond of effort; effort that didn't involve his own selfishness. He's never taken time out of his day to know his actual daughter. Even though it's blatantly obvious, I'm not even sure if he knows about my love for Keith Urban's music. 

Keith's music has been there for me since the beginning. My mom left when early on in my teens years, and my dad won custody because my mom had made it clear that she didn't want me or my father in her life. I wasn't completely torn up about it at the time. Maybe it's because Keith's music was there to help me persevere. My dad stopped caring after my mom left, which meant I was left in the dark. I wasn't even sure what it meant to be truly loved anymoreI. I only felt loved when I listened to Keith, but even then he didn't even know me. His music had made me feel the kind of love that I longed for, but maybe he didn't even love me. I had only hoped that one day I could see for myself. 

Needless to say, I've had a pretty arduous childhood, and even in my 20's it's not easy. I could just be called 'anonymous' because no one knew, and no one cared to know me besides my best friend Aubrey. She knew absolutely everything from my hatred for rap music, to my deepest and darkest secret. My life was shared with Aubrey on a day-to-day basis. There was never a time that we didn't talk about everything. Twenty-five was a good year because I had her by my side. To have someone who loved me like Aubrey was a miracle. It was either her or Keith Urban who I would turn to for everything. I had maintained a piece of sanity because of them. My life was better for it. 

My name is Lacey Grace. I'm turning 26 tomorrow. My obsessions include playing guitar, and listening to Keith Urban. I spend my waking hours playing, writing, and working at a country chic boutique here in Nashville. I left my hometown in Checotah, Oklahoma to come to Nashville. My leaving was for my pursuit in music, and to get away from my old life; my broken life. Nashville was my home. It was considered home, but I was too closed off to tear down any walls. With this being a struggle, my music was stuck in a diary, and not heard in the public. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sing in public. There was something so vulnerable about speaking about life through music and it terrified me.

My name is Lacey Grace and this is my story.....

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