The Beginning of Forever

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My eyes were closed shut and were relentless to open.  My name was continuously being called, but I had chosen to ignore it.


 It was called out again. Whoever it was didn’t seem to get the picture that I was trying to sleep. I didn’t even bother to make out the sound of the voice. For but a moment, the room was silent and I could go back into dream land once again; a land filled with no heartbreak, and Keith and I’s perfect happily ever after. Reality wasn’t ready to strike yet, or I wasn’t ready for it to start to strike. Needless to say, whoever was trying to wake me up had to wait.


 There it was again, interrupting my sleep. My eyes fluttered open to look and see who was standing above me trying to grab my attention. “What??” I said in frustrated as my eyes looked up to see Keith looking down at me. Naturally without hesitation, my body rose up from the bed so I could look directly at Keith. “Um, hi… what… what are you doing here?” The explanation of him getting into the house was Aubrey, who was cleaning up down stairs, or watching TV. There was no doubt that I had makeup smeared across my face. All I had one was one of his t-shirts. My hair was in knots. There was no time for playing beautiful. “What time is it?”

Keith gave a soft chuckle and wiped some of the makeup off my face with his index finger. “You could sleep through a hurricane. It’s nearing 6:30. Have you been sleeping all day?” I gave him a soft smile and shrugged at his question. I had been sleeping all day, but I wasn’t about to tell him why. The man had a choice to make, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know whom he chose at this point. I would much rather have him stop all contact with me than show up at my house, but Keith had better manners. He was too sweet for his own good.

‘Why are you here?” I asked, yawning.

He pulled me in, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. “Why don’t you get dressed? I want to take you somewhere.”

His eyes met mine. There wasn’t much to ask. I was more than okay to go somewhere with him, I just had hoped that it wasn’t to break my heart. My soft brunette hair rested on his shoulder as I began to allow my head to do the same. It had been far too long since I had felt his touch on my skin. So many obstacles, decisions and ex lovers had stood in the way of what he had. Things between us were bound to be a rollercoaster, but I was willing to fight to be the first person in line. “Yea, sure. I’ll be like an hour,” I added as I got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom. Keith watched me as I got into the bathroom and shut the door.

Before I attempted to get ready to go, tears filled my eyes. I was tired of not knowing. He was everything to me, and I had felt like I was on a freight train filled with decoys, and girls who fell in love but had been broken hearted for far too long. Keith hadn’t told me his decision, and the uncertainty of that scared me. I was anxious to finally know if he was going to be mine or let me go forever. After a few minutes, I wiped my eyes and began to get ready as fast as I possibly could. I had already wasted so much time crying tears of uncertainty and fear. My brunette hair was impossible to comb out, and I had no idea what to even wear. Where was he taking me? What was I preparing for? The bathroom was quiet and I wasn’t quite sure what Keith was going to do in my room for an hour. Maybe he would go talk with Aubrey or something. To drown out the silence, I pulled out my phone and pressed shuffle.

About half an hour after I had fixed my hair and did my makeup, I walked to grab some clothes. Keith was lying on my bed messing around with his phone. My eyes looked at him in confusion. “You know Aubrey is just downstairs. You can go keep her company if you want.”

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