Hurts To Think

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The coffee shop was quiet. Hardly anyone was around. I could hear my own heartbeat. The only person that was here besides me had just left and made a ginormous confession; a confession I wasn't quite sure on how to wrap my head around. The only thing I could think to do was sit there in silence and try to process. I buried my head in my hands for a moment. What was I to do with all of this? How was I going to tell Lacey? What was Lacey going to do? Should I give Nicole a chance? There were so many questions and so little answers.

My hand reached for my phone and dialed Lacey's number. Seeing her was the best way to tell her what had happened. I knew she needed to know. "Hello?" Lacey answered. Every time I heard her voice my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi, baby. Uh, Nicole just left. She wants to hang out with the girls this evening. We could drop 'em off and talk, if you're up for it?" I said in an emotionless tone of voice.

I could hear a smile in her voice as she spoke, "Of course, my love. Faith loves her guitar though, oh my gosh- it's adorable!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Good, I'm glad she loves it. Aright, well I'm gonna head out. Where are you? I'll just meet you there."

"Centennial Park. You'll see Faith sitting on a bench with a sparkly guitar. I'll see you soon, babe!" The way she had loved those girls blessed my heart. It was obvious that I would choose Lacey, until Nicole would cross my mind. I was in such a state of confusion that I had no idea what to do.

"Aright, love you. See ya soon." I added before hanging up. At least the girls would distract me for a bit. Nicole was still in love with me. That was the news of the year. There were so many questions as to why she still believed that. Did I still love her? I loved Lacey, but Nicole was my first real love. I had a week to figure this out and I wasn't even sure if I could figure it out in a month. I had been in the coffee shop for so long jumbling over my thoughts that the Barista probably thought I was nonsensical for still being there.

I shook my head, grabbed my wallet and phone and headed toward the barista. "Can I have a cappuccino?" The barista gave me a nod and began to make the drink. People began to trickle in as the barista was making the drink. Some had seemed to be coming to stay for a while. It was an odd mixture. I was grateful that I was able to escape soon. The barista handed me the drink, and I slipped the money to him quickly. "Thank you. Have a nice day."

The drive to Centennial was fast like my mind that was running a mile a minute. Trying to shut it off, I switched the ignition off after parking. My hand reached for the cappuccino and headed toward the park to look for Lacey and the girls. As soon as my eyes spotted them, I began to walk toward them. Lacey caught my eye and ran up to greet me with a kiss. "Hey, handsome!" She was so cheery. Happy looked good on her.

"Hi there, beautiful!" I added with a smile against her kiss. She was my ecstasy. The way her body moved into mine. The way her lace shorts, floral tank and her cowboy boots fit her so well. The way she kissed me. The way she did everything had made me fall even more. For but a moment she had made me forget about the conversation I had with Nicole. I pressed onto her lips harder before breaking the kiss. "I like that kind of welcome. Bought you a cappuccino."

"Thank you!" Lacey gave a soft smile and took a hold of my hand to lead me toward the benches. "Look at her guitar. Isn't it so cute???" Lacey said in excitement.

"I love it. Can you play something?" I asked looking to Faith. Faith couldn't help but smile as she began to strum on her guitar as if she was the greatest guitarist in the world. It was adorable, and she didn't sound to bad. "You sound great, baby!" I moved my body to sit next to her and guided Lacey along with me. "So what else have you girls done today?"

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