You're Not Alone Tonight

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July 13 was what the calender read. It was my 26th birthday and I had no one to celebrate it with. Aubrey hadn't been answering her phone, and I had no one else to call. I was alone. Another birthday left uncelebrated. It shouldn't be this big of a deal seeing as I haven't celebrated my birthday in several years, but I wanted this year to be special. I should've know that it wasn't going to be. It was just another saturday. No one cared. I had to learn to be okay with that. 

As hard as it was to go about my day realizing that no one did care, I still managed to be productive. I cleaned my house, and daydreamed about what my life would be like if I could go back in time and change everything. Even though I had spent the majority of my time daydreaming, I was still worried about Aubrey. Where was she? Why wasn't she answering my texts or my phone calls? Within in moments of me sending her another text, I had finally recieved one back. 

'I am so sorry we haven't talked all day. It's your birthday and I want to celebrate with you. I'm coming over right now!! Be ready!!" 

I should have known that she wouldn't forget, but I still didn't quite understand why it had taken for all day to respond to her. Aubrey was my best friend. Her not responding was a rare situation. So with that, I figured that it was probably not her fault that she couldn't respond. 

"Why am I getting ready? You aren't taking me out to a bar or anything like that are you?" I shot back. 

After texting Aubrey, I dragged myself to my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. My long brunnette hair had a wave of curl, and my face needed makeup. The outfit I was wearing was nothing that should be seen in public. I didn't think I was that beautiful, who would? I shrugged it off, and decided to get 'ready' anyway. I wasn't quite sure what Aubrey was up to, but she was almost positive it had to do with going out to a bar. 

My hand reached for the nearest dress in my closet, which appeared to be a black lace high-low. I slipped it on, and put on some cowboy boots seeing as that was all I owned. Cowboy boots were the only kind of shoe I would ever wear. It was the only kind of shoe that made me feel somewhat confident about myself. After getting dressed, and applying my makeup I heard a doorbell ring. I sighed, not really wanting to go out or do anything. My birthday was nearly over. Did it really matter if I went another year not celebrating? 

Even though reluctant, I dragged myself to the door. It was unlike Aubrey to ring the doorbell. She normally would just let herself in. I didn't really look to see who was even at the door, just assuming it was Aubrey. I left it open so that she could enter. "

"You know. You don't have to ring the doorbell. You can always just let yourself in. What are we doing tonight anyway.... ?" I asked, walking toward the couch in my living room, still not looking over at Aubrey. It was then that Aubrey entered the living room through the kitchen. 

"Heyy girlll. happy birthday!!!" She said with great excitement. Aubrey was looking over to the door, and i was nothing but extremely confused. If Aubrey was in the kitchen, then who was at the door? I spun around to see who the stranger was, and much to my surprise he was nearly a stranger. Maybe to him I was a stranger, but for me he had saved my life. I wasn't even sure how he had gotten in my house, or why he was there. All I knew is that tears were forming. What was i to think, or even do? 

"Wait...I was supposed to come in after he surprised you" Aubrey said with a pout on her face. 

I looked back at Aubrey, and back at him. "I thought it was you at the door." I said pointing at Aubrey. 

Aubrey gave me a confused look and shook her head. "You should know by now that I just let myself in" she said with a soft laugh. "Well, surprise. Keith-Lacey. Lacey-Keith" Aubrey introduced us. Keith Urban was standing in my living room. How did Aubrey even get him here? How did she even know him? 

"Lacey! I've heard so much about you. It's great meeting you, baby" Keith said while leaning in to give me a hug. I was in such awe of what was even happening. 

"You've heard about me?" I asked, dumbfounded at the fact that he had just called me 'baby.' 

"The whole way over here, and Aubrey planning this entire thing. She's said nothing but incredible things about. I could hardly wait to meet you". 

By this time tears were running down my face. The man who had saved me was standing next to me. He was my everything, and he didn't even know it. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything. All I could manage to do was hug him tightly. 

Without me realiizing, Aubrey had snuck out of the room. I broke the hug with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe what was happening. i wiped my eyes and gave him a huge smile. "i'm so sorry. Your shirt is soaked. You probably think I'm insane for crying like that. It's just... you... you... thank you... for... for everything.." I let out, unsure of what to say. 

"I don't think you're insane at all, baby. Happy Birthday" He whispered while gently place a couple strands of hair behind my ear. He was so close to me, and in that moment I felt as if for the first time in years I wasn't alone. 

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