How Dare You

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Ever since yesterday evening I had been trying to get in contact with Lacey. As much as I wanted to be there for her when she got home, a part of me couldn't. When I came in contact with Keith a few months back I had no idea that it would turn into whatever was going on between them two. Every time we would talk about it, I encouraged her because it meant more to me to be a supportive friend than to shatter her heart.

I met Lacey when she first moved to Nashville. It had been a few years now. When I first met her, the first words out of her mouth were 'Keith Urban.' He has always been a large part of her life, which I never seemed to mind. From what I knew of him, Keith was a great guy, and he is. Lacey was a huge fan, but every time I would offer to buy her tickets or go to a concert with her, she would shoot me down. She had always told me she wasn't ready for it; that there would be too many tears. All those years of loving his music, she had never actually seen him perform live. All she would was perform his songs with her guitar in a locked up room where no one could hear. The man had made an impeccable influence on her life in so many ways. She was just looking for the right moment to give the courage to watch him, and to potentially meet him. 

My crazy idea of having him surprise her for her birthday had seemed so perfect at first, but now I'm second guessing myself. Lacey has never been one to let her guard down, and when she did it would be too late. Keith was taking an interest in her, and it was obvious. I wanted so badly to be happy for her, but I just couldn't seem to do it. Maybe a part of me was jealous of that. Most importantly though, I didn't want my friend to get hurt. There was so much in Keith's past. He had children. He was divorced. There was so much baggage. Lacey going into all of that scared me. I was afraid for her because I knew she was going to fall for him if she hadn't already. He had impacted her life in so many ways. Any girl would fall for a guy like that. I just didn't want to see her get hurt. I had only hoped that dinner went well last night. 

My thoughts were racing a mile a minute as I kept trying to contact her. It was almost 8 at night, and the last time I had heard from her was before dinner last night. I was genuinely worried that something had happened to her. Without hesitation I had decided to head over to her house to see if she was there. I grabbed my jacket and ran in the rain to get to my car. Luckily I had a key to her house. She was my best friend. I just needed to know that she was alright. 

After a quick drive over to her house, I unlocked the door to see if she was inside. "Lacey..." I called out calmly. A sigh escaped my mouth. I dropped my keys on the counter, and threw my jacket on a nearby table. Where in the world was she? It was unlike her to do this. "Lacey.." I called out again. There was nothing at first, and then I heard the door in the back room creak open and Lacey's giggle. "Lace..." I said quietly walking to the doorway of the backroom to see Lacey kissing Keith. They hadn't even gotten in the house, and it had seemed like they were all over each other. I stood back hiding behind the wall of the doorway. Lacey kept giggling, and you could hear a laugh or two from Keith. Now I knew what Lacey was up to all day. 

"Today was fun" I overheard Keith say in an out of breath tone. 

"Yea, it was. Thank you for everything. You're incredible" Lacey said in a hushed tone. She was soaked, but it was as if the open doorway with rain pouring in didn't register to them. 

Keith gave a chuckle. "I'll see you, okay?" 

"Yea... soon!" Lacey whispered before their lips met once again. 

I rolled my eyes and watched as Lacey watched Keith walk out to his car. She finally closed the door. A squeel escaped her mouth. I watched as she had her moment. I had felt bad, but I really needed to tell her my concern. "Lacey, there you are" I asked, acting as if I didn't see anything. 

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