Heart Like Mine

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*** The Next Morning *** 

The light was shining through my window blinding me. My head was in excruciating pain. What had happened last night? I rolled over to see Keith sitting up in my bed looking at his phone. Why was he in my bed? What was going on? I sat up quickly, which made my head hurt worse than it did before. The moving of my body startled Keith. He then looked over at me with a soft smile. 

"Why are you here? What happened? Did we.....?" I trailed off afraid of the answer. Did I really get drunk last night? 

Keith shook his head handing me a cup of coffee. "No. You had a drink too many. I stayed to make sure you were alright." 

I gave a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm fine.. so you can go now if you want. Thanks for the coffee" I mumbled. Keith shook his head. Why was he so persistent? "Did you sleep in my bed?" I asked in a repugnanced tone. A chuckle escaped his mouth. I rolled my eyes and got up to get in the shower. I was tired of my head hurting, and I wanted so badly to know why I got drunk when I was out to dinner with Keith? I just wanted everything about this morning to end. 

I hopped in the shower, hoping that he would be gone by the time I got out. For a moment, I got lost in my own thoughts. I could remember last night before I had one too many to drink. I could remember something he said to me. He said I was special. He said he liked me. I was trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out what he was trying to tell me, but my head too much to think that hard.

The water ran down my spine in a perfect relaxing pattern massaging my back. What if I had ruined my chances of opening up my heart to him? What kind of person gets drunk on a date? There was everything wrong with me, and I had everything and more to scare him away. The truth was that I hated myself for it. It was always a trend for me. I had to do something wrong to ruin something that was right. It was a curse in my blood. Did I kiss him? I was trying to think of anything else that could have gone wrong. Kissing him would have too forceful, and I had sure hoped I didn't. 

After about an hour of letting the water run on me, I had decided to move on with my day. The headache wasn't really subsiding, and I was sure that by now Keith had left. i stepped out of the shower, dried my hair with a towel and stepped back into some comfortable shorts and an oversized T-Shirt.

After drying off and taking some ibuprofen, I walked out to see Keith still sitting there. My body traveled back to my bed without saying a word to him. The way he was toward me should have freaked me out, but it didn't. I was fine with him being there, but I wanted to put up a front and make him leave. My phone was buzzing with several texts from Aubrey. One of them said that she was sorry for not being at my house after my so-called date last night. The others were asking random questions about the so-called date. The truth was that I had no idea how it even went. I could have ruined it, and I'm sure I probably did. 

"I'm sorry if I ruined our dinner last night" I mumbled as I rolled over to look at him. I had wanted to kiss him so badly. Keith looked down at me and shook his head. "You absolutely did not. It was a fun dinner. I liked talking with you. You are kind of adorable when you drink too much though" he chuckled. 

I shook my head and gave him a weak smile. "I doubt that." I took a sip of the coffee Keith made me, which appeared to somehow make my head feel a litttle better. There was something about him being there that made me feel safe. His presence had just made everything better, it always had even when I didn't know him. Keith made life better. 

Keith chuckled. "It's true. I like you better sober though" he said lightly punching my arm. 

I bit lip and gave him a smile. "Wel then, I guess I'm done drinking for good now" I joked. 

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