Shut Out the Lights

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I was drenched from head to toe while driving back home from Lacey's place. There was something about that girl that made me want to be a better man. The way we had kissed was like an electric shock. She was the most breathtaking human being and I didn't want to give her up. She opened up to me a little bit and it made me feel like I was doing something right. I culdn't screw this one up. She was almost too perfect that I couldn't do such a thing. 

Thoughts of her and our day together kept running through my mind as I walked to my front door. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by Sunday and Faith. "Daddy!!" they shouted as they ran up to me and hugged my legs. They were my greatest joy in life. "Hi girls!" I responded with a smile, picking up Faith and giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Daddy you wet" Faith said in a cute little voice. I gave a chuckle. "Yes, baby, I am wet. I'll go get dry" I said. I kissed them both and went to get some dry clothes on. 

After getting dry, I walked into the kitchen to see Nicole sitting at the table. I knew she was dropping the girls off for a week with me, but it was still weird to see her in the same house as me. The tension in the room was uncomfortable. There were several things that were still awkward with Nicole, but I was glad that we still got along for the most part. "You said 6, Keith. It's nearly 11" Nicole chimed in breaking the silence. 

A sigh left my body, realizing she was right. I had gotten so sidetracked with Lacey, that I forgot Nicole had a plane set for 7. "I'm sorry. I forgot about your plane. I got sidetracked" I commented. 

Nicole sighed and looked over at me in disappointment. "What in God's name were you doing that got you sidetracked? I can't get a plane until tomorrow afternoon now, and I have to be in South America." She was making me feel awful. Was I supposed to tell her that I was with a girl? 

I ran a hand through my hair and gave her a look with an 'I'm sorry' written all over it. 'I was with a friend. We..." I was trying to come up with some excuse that wasn't giving away the fact that I had been kissing a girl. "We got stuck in the rain" I finally added. 

Nicole rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm in Nashville for a night. I'll just get a hotel. You can keep the girls" she said as she began to get up. I felt so bad, that I had decided to allow her to stay at my house. 

"Nicole, wait" I said stopping her. "You can stay in the guest room. The weather is terrible. I really don't mind" I added. 

Nicole looked conflicted, but she finally gave in. "Fine. I'll stay in the guest room" she shrugged. 

I gave her a weak smile as Sunday and Faith ran over to me. "Daddy, daddy!" they shouted. "Can we watch Frozen with you???" they asked enthusiastically. I shook my head. "Maybe tomorrow girls, it's getting late. It's way passed your bedtime." I nealed down to their level and gave a soft smile. "PLEEEEAAASSSEEE!" They asked pleading with me to allow them to stay up. I shrugged and gave them a smile. "Alright, alright. Just this one time! You're big girls, I suppose you can stay up late just this once" I commented. They cheered with excitement running into the living room to grab the DVD. 

Nicole rolled her eyes. "I bet you do that more than once" she added. 

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I do, but I haven't seen them in awhile. I don't mind watching a movie I've seen a bajillion times with them." 

Nicole lightly laughed. "Makes sense. Just surprised you're not completely exhausted you know, from hanging out with your friend and getting held up in the rain." 

My eyes traveled over to her giving her a weird look. "I'm tired, but I want to hang out with the girls. They'll fall asleep. It's really no big deal. You can head to bed." 

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