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The room was inaudible. I sat next to him on the bed waiting for a reply, but nothing came out of him. He sat there voiceless. My hand slipped into his carefully in hopes that he wouldn’t push it away this time. He didn’t. The man squeezed my hand tightly allowing his eyes to travel toward mine. Swallowing hard, my eyes stared into his hoping whatever was about to happen wouldn’t end in a screaming match. My secret about Australia was out, but I had hoped it wasn’t damaging. Everything I had told the police was the truth. An overwhelming feeling came over me thinking about the situation at hand. There was more to the story that I didn’t know and left me wondering why I was being targeted. “I’m sorry…” I mumbled giving his hand a squeeze. I could sense nervousness in him.

The man sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me when I asked you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think it was important. I don’t remember much about the trip….”

Keith rolled his eyes scoffing me. “Not important? Really, Lacey?”

I immediately was uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to say to him besides an apology. “I’m sorry…”

Keith shook his head in dismay. “Do you know how that made me feel? They are targeting you for Cooper’s death, Lacey. This is serious.”

I bit down on my lip terrified. “I know, but Keith I promise I didn’t have anything to do with it. I hardly remember that trip. Please believe me…” I didn’t know what better to convince him but to continue apologizing and stating that I would never do such a thing. Keith was my world. For me to punish him like this was cruel and it had to stop. I had to do whatever it took to make the nightmare for him stop. “I’ll do anything to show you…”

Keith shook his head. “It’s not that I don’t believe you, Lacey. It’s that you didn’t tell me. I wouldn’t be upset with you if you would have just told me up front that you were in Australia. You lied to my face.”

I shook my head. “I know… it was wrong. I should’ve told you. I was just scared that you’d think I had something to do it with. How do you think I feel hearing that I’m a suspect for a murder that I didn’t even commit? Especially when it’s a case revolving around your best friend. I’m terrified. I did lie to you, but it was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I don’t know why I did it. I just didn’t want you to leave…” I admitted with tears forming.

Keith sighed. “I wouldn’t have left you. Lacey, I love you. You should know by now that I wouldn’t do that. Do you honestly think I believe that you were a part of that fire? Heck no. I just wish you had told me you were in Australia when I asked you. I don’t blame you for being scared, but I would much rather have the truth than a lie from you.”

I nodded rested my head on his shoulder. “I know. I should’ve told you. I’m so sorry… I just don’t remember much about it, so I never revisit that trip…” I admitted.

Keith kissed the top of my head and pulled me close to him. “Do you know why you can’t remember?” He asked.

My eyes starred at the dresser that was a short distance away trying to gather my thoughts. “No… I just remember Aubrey, a party and then coming home. Everything else is a blur.”

Keith rubbed my arm gently and gave a soft sigh. “Something about that sounds wrong. Like someone got you drunk or something.”

I shrugged. “I was probably drunk. It was Aubrey’s birthday. I don’t know… I can’t explain much because I don’t remember…”

He kissed my head gently. “We’ll figure it out. Just please don’t lie to me again.”

I looked up at him with sad eyes. “I promise. I just want this nightmare to end for you. I hate so much that you have to revisit this.” You could see the sadness in his eyes as if everything was coming back in flashbacks. I knew he was remembering.

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