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A day had passed. Aubrey kept trying to contact me, but I wasn't one for talking. I felt sick just thinking about everything that had recently happened. I threw Keith Urban out of my own home, and I've been doing nothing but drowning in my own self- pity because of it. I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I heard my door bell ring. I absolutely hated that there was actually someone at my home at that very moment. My hair was in a messy pony tail, I was wearing shorts and a Nashville hoodie. Needless to say, I looked like I hadn't showered in a week. I was nothing short of being unpresentabe for any kind of guest to come over. 

I dragged myself downstairs to open the door for whomever was waiting. I looked up to see Keith standing there with a weak smile. Why couldn't it have just been Aubrey? I rolled my eyes and left the door open so he could enter into my untouched messy house. For only knowing Keith for almost eight hours, I was really rude to him. It was only because he wanted me to tear down walls, and I wasn't ready for that. "What? Are you stalking me now?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. 

Keith shook his head. "I left my jacket here." I nodded and gestured for him to go and find it. As he retrieved his jacket, I began to make some coffee in hopes that he would just leave. He meant everything to me, but I wanted him to leave in the worst way. He wasn't leaving though. I could feel his eyes watching me as I made coffee. I finished with my french press, and swung my body around to see him still in my house. Maybe he was wondering why my presence was so awful, or questioning whether or not I knew how to take care of myself. 

"What?" I asked. 

Keith sighed and shrugged. "You kicked me out on your birthday. I guess I should say I'm sorry for whatever it is I did to make you want to do that. I am really sorry". 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You didn't do anything, Keith... questions just kind of... I don't like them..." I responded. "So you asked me a question, and I avoided it by kicking you out.... " 

Keith gave me a confused look. "Okay... well I'm sorry. Do all questions scare you?" he asked. 

I shook my head and looked down so I wouldn't have to look at his face. He was to good to look at, and I told myself I wouldn't allow myself to even think about him that way. "It depends on the question.." 

He wasn’t going to let in. I wasn’t so sure why this guy was so intrigued by me. I kept telling him that I was nothing special. If anyone was special, it was Aubrey. Why didn’t he just go for a girl like her? I was most undeserving of his attention. That, and the fact that I looked like a train just ran over me and I just so happened to have survived it.

  Keith walked closer to me and stopped my hand from pouring him a cup of coffee. He then continued to finish pouring a cup for him and a cup for me. I stood there in silence looking at the cup of coffee that he had poured for me. This guy was making things extremely difficult for me to keep myself guarded. The way he did things, his smile, his accent, and the way he called me ‘baby’ was all the more enticing for me. My stomach churned every time I looked over at him. He made my nerves skyrocket off the charts, and my heart skip a beat or two. “Well, are you going to drink that?” he asked looking over at me. My mind was going a million different directions that I didn’t even realize that I was still standing there looking at the cup of coffee. I was pathetic. I nodded and picked up the cup, taking a sip.

The clock read 11:30. It was almost noon. Didn’t he have somewhere to be? I don’t know why he had such a weight over me. I wanted him to leave, but wanted him to stay in the worst way possible. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? It’s nearly noon. I’m sure Tennessee has more exciting adventures than my house does, or me for that matter” I said, breaking the silence.

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