Kiss Me

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~A Few Weeks Later~

Everyday was a routine. I woke up, got ready, went to work, came home and then went to bed. I hadn't talked to Aubrey in almost 3 weeks. Keith was a different story. We would text, but I would always cut it short. He still hadn't explained everything to me, but I was shutting him out in a way that he almost couldn't explain. I was okay with it. I was better off alone. Even if Keith was on my mind constantly. I couldn't go there.

I was so angry with Aubrey that night. I was so angry that I ran over to Keith's, and then I find out that Nicole is there. The entire clan was there. Keith may have said it wasn't what it looked like, but it definitely looked like what I think it was. He had suitcases in his hand. It appeared to me that she was moving in. His girls were there, and she looked beautiful. Nicole was so much more pretty than I ever could be. It would make sense why Keith would want to go back with her. She had everything I didn't have. If they were working things out, I genuinely wanted to be happy for them. It was just stupid of me to fall for him, or to even trust him.

It was unfortunate that I didn't have to work today. Working took my mind off of Keith. My heart was hurting. i had wanted so bad to be his. I would be lying if I said I hadn't written a song or two about him since I knocked on his door that night. I've written several. Missing someone like this was almost unbearable. All I knew was that I had to somehow make myself stop thinking about him. I hadn't left my house in weeks except for work.

Clothes were scattered everywhere in my house. Cleaning wasn't something that had registered to me. In all reality, all I wanted was Keith. For a moment I was living a dream life, and the next my heart was completely shattered by Aubrey, and by Keith all in the same night. The truth was, I had no support in my life. It was something a girl like me had to learn to accept. Lost in thought, i had stumbled on a pile clothes. Shrugging it off, I looked through the pile and pulled out a dirty turquoise lace shirt, and some white faded denim shorts. Dresses weren't my thing as of late.

Quickly, I got dressed, and put on a tiny bit of makeup. I didn't bother with my hair. My room was just another piece of chaos I didn't want to be in, so I left quickly and headed for my car. Not sure of where I was going, I just began to drive. My hand reached for the radio dial and turned it to my favorite radio station. Of course the song that was playing was one of Keith's. I couldn't escape him no matter how hard I tried. Rolling my eyes, I turned the radio off. It was then that my eyes spotted a farmers market and carnival of some sort. There was nothing else to do, so I pulled to the side of the road and parked my truck.

My body dragged itself to the market part of the place and began to look at all the different booths. For a moment it was distracting, but in the end I had just wished I could escape my own thoughts. Nothing else was visible to me. It was as if the world wasn't moving; just me and my thoughts until I literally ran into someone. My mind came back to reality. "I'm so sorry.. " I mumbled looking up at the person I bumped into. Sure enough, it was Keith. My eyes turned away and I saw Sunday and Faith standing by his side holidng on to him for dear life. it was as if they thought their dad was the only thing that could protect them in this world. Where was Nicole?

"Don't worry about it" Keith spoke up. I gave him a weak smile and began to walk away before he stopped me with his hand holding on to my arm. "Wait..." he mumbled.

My eyes rolled in the back of my head turning my eyes toward him. "What?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed, but I was more than okay with looking at him or talking to him even if it was for just one second.

"Can we please talk?" He asked with pleading eyes.

I bit my lip and looked down at Sunday and Faith. They had seemed to adore Keith, and it was so precious. I wanted to say no, but I needed to see him. I had missed him too much. "Fine..." I shrugged.

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