Chapter Three

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“Holy cow,” Ahren muttered, clearly trying to process all of this.

"At my send-off, I had seen Aspen holding the hands of another girl, which broke my heart," I told. "At the airport, I met Marlee and Celeste, who was a snobby Two. I instantly hated her,” I said, feeling myself begin choke up. Maxon's hand brushed against mine and I gave him a weak smile before turning back to our kids.

"I met my maids after my makeover at the palace, Lucy, Mary, and Anne." I gave Lucy a smile. "But my first night at the palace was horrible. I was homesick and heartbroken. I desperately needed some fresh air. I ran to the doors at the first floor of the palace hoping to get out, but was stopped by some guards. I begged to be let out, and I nearly fainted in this one guard’s arms.” I looked at Maxon, who smiled.


“Meanwhile, I was cooped up in my room the whole day so I didn’t see any of the selected," I told. "At night, I decided to take a walk around the palace, and I saw your mother in the guard’s arms begging to be let out. I ordered them to open the doors, and she ran outside, crying. I followed her and asked, and I quote, 'Are you alright, my dear?'”

“I shouted at him, telling him that I wasn’t his dear and basically called him shallow and gave him a nice scolding,” America said, smiling.

“I realized then that America would be something else,” I said, kissing her on the cheek. “My thoughts were confirmed the next day when we officially met. Intrigued by her, I asked if she could possibly ever have loving feelings toward me. She then proceeded to friend-zone me and admit that she was here for the food and money."

Aspen chuckled at that and we shared a knowing smile.

“I honestly thought she was kidding about the food, but I was proved wrong," I continued. "During breakfast I noticed she was throughly enjoying her strawberry tart. I couldn't help myself and playfully asked if she was enjoying the strawberry tart that she was eating."

Eadlyn, Ahren, Kaden, and Osten grinned, knowing exactly how much their mother adored the sweet treat.

I smiled at the memory. "She responded saying that she loved it and that her sister, your Aunt May, would cry if she ate it. So I bet with her that if she cried, America would get to wear pants, and if she didn’t, she would owe me a walk around the grounds. Of course, she lost and I got my first date.” I looked to America, playfully wagging my eyebrows at her. She glared at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking. I couldn't help but grin in response.


“At one point in our date, Maxon was about to tell me what he wanted from me, as he stepped closer, so I kneed him in the thigh.” Mom said simply, like it was no big deal.

“We went over this, love. It was not my thigh,” Dad argued. Mom glared him again. That made us laugh, if we weren’t laughing already.

Dad waited until we calmed down before proceeding. “The next day, during a northern rebel attack, America told me that I should ask Marlee on a date next, which I really found amusing."

“If I wasn’t going to win, Marlee was my next option for you,” Mom said.

Dad laughed. "It wouldn't have worked, darling. Marlee was kind, but not for me." He looked back at us, suddenly becoming a bit more serious. "On my next date with your Mother, she broke down and told me about Aspen." Dad looked over to him. "I remember quite clearly that I wanted to punch you in the face.”

General Leger muttered something along the lines of, “I wouldn’t blame you,” under his breath. Lady Lucy slowly grabbed his hand, and smiled at him.

“But why is Aspen here -no offense- after he broke mom’s heart?” Osten asked, speaking for the first time.

I raised my eyebrows, looking over at them. It was a good point.

The four of them exchanged glances with each other, hesitating.

“Uh, we'll get to that toward the end of the story,” Mom responded finally. "It'll make more sense later."

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