Chapter Eleven

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That's why Dad wouldn't let us go to the beach, or tell us a lot about Grandpa.... Then he would have to explain his scars! I shook my head. How could someone be so cruel to his son?

"I knew I couldn't make it to the safe room. I also knew deep down, that America would probably find out about..." Dad trailed off, wincing. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "Quickly, we went into a safe room. After a bit of sitting around, I couldn't take the pain anymore. I asked America to help me with my shirt, and made her promise to never tell anyone about this. She helped with my wounds and I told her about my Father. And...." Dad stopped.

Mom and Dad had another conversation with their eyes, but Mom quickly motioned to the door, and Dad nodded. "Excuse us for just one second."

Mom stood up with Dad and they left the room. What was so important that they needed to talk about? Was it something worse than Dad's back?

"How much do we want to tell them, America? How much do you want to keep private?" Maxon whispered in the hall.

"I don't really know... I think it would be ok that we just say we confessed that we loved each other, and then skip to the end." I looked around the hall, searching for any maids.

"I am fine with that. I don't want to explain about the things with Celeste and Kriss, either."

I brought Maxon into a hug. "I know that was hard for you." I whispered into his ear.

He nodded, eyes drifting off.

"Do we want to talk about Brice as well?" I asked, hesitating.

"I think that should be something Brice decides on doing," Maxon said reaching for my hand.

"Alright," I said, taking it.

The whole room was murmuring when we walked back in. Ahren, Eadlyn, Kaden, and Osten were huddled together, discussing something. Probably the newly shared information.

Marlee and Carter quickly walked up to me and Maxon, giving us hugs. "I'm sorry Maxon..." Marlee shook her head, tears coming to her eyes.

"No one should have to experience that." Carter added, taking Marlee's hand.

"Thank you." Maxon said, eyes drifting off again.

Soon we were all settled, and the tale resumed. "A lot of things happened in the safe room, but to make a long story short, America and I both confessed that we had loved each other and we had made many mistakes," Maxon told the room.

"It was after the attack, and no one had found Maxon and America yet. Mary, Anne, Aspen, and I were all getting worried." Lucy said.

"When a guard found them and we saw America run into her room, we were all so relieved. We thought..." Aspen sighed.

"I was going home. My maids made me one last dress, and I packed to go back to Carolina," I said. "When I was about to leave, Maxon ran up to me and said that I was not going home. King Clarkson was happy that Maxon had not been killed in the attack. After Maxon told a couple white lies, he was able to convince him to let me stay."

"I was going to fight for him. I knew that Maxon didn't just have feelings for me. And after the attack and our confessions, I knew I had to fight hard." I looked at Maxon and leaned into him.

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