Chapter Seven

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I heard Ahren and Eadlyn gasp after Dad told them about Mom and him being in a closet. Big deal, people always make out in closets... Oh.

I remembered the rules from my Selection; if you were caught in a relationship with someone other than the prince, or princess in my case, you would be committing treason, which was punishable by death.

I stared at Mom and Dad in wonder. Why weren't they dead?

"At the palace, if you were caught having a relationship with anyone while participating in the Selection, it was treason. Treason was punishable by death," Mom said, shaking.

"Maxon, good man he was, decided to not put us to death. But we had to be punished, according to King Clarkson. Our punishment was to be caned 15 times, and being sentenced to be Eights," Dad explained.

The room was silent. "The scars on your hands... and back...." Josie whispered, and burst into tears.

Mom embraced Josie, trying to sooth her. I was frozen with shock, and confusion.

"When I saw what was going to happen to Marlee and Carter, I tried to run to them. I fought guards, trying to break free from their grip," Queen America said, tears running down her face as well. "And I screamed at Maxon to let them free. He heard me, but he didn't do anything. It enraged me that he could just sit there and watch."

"Meanwhile, Lucy, Mary, and I were watching the scene from above." Officer Aspen said.

Lucy smiled weakly. "It was an amazing sight, watching you fight, even though we kept on shouting at you to sit down."

"You were watching from above?" Queen America asked, surprised.


"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Aspen asked.

"No, you didn't. But then again I was crying so much it may have not registered in my brain," I replied.

Maxon shifted in his seat. "I tried to talk to America, but you know her. When she's upset..." He shook his head.

"My dad had sent me a letter when he left. He said he was so proud of me for running. Later, Maxon's mom said it wasn't ladylike to act like how I did, but was glad I did it. I talked with the other Elite, and Celeste... she said Marlee got what she deserved. I lunged at her and we fought." I said, thinking back at the time.

"You got into a fight?" Ahren asked. I nodded.

"I talked with America and Celeste and I decided they were stressed after the canning. I didn't eliminate anyone, but I told America to have faith in me."

"I had no idea what he was talking about at the time," I said, looking at Marlee quickly. She pursed her lips, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Every time America sang for me during our secret meetings in Carolina, I gave her a penny. It was all I could give. She kept the pennies over time and gave them all back when we broke up. But a penny remained and she brought the jar with her. I put a note in the jar with directions, so we could meet later that night," Aspen explained.

Maxon shot me a surprised look, and I smiled weakly. "I ran into Aspen in the hallway when I was returning from the hospital wing and he told me to check my jar. That night I followed the directions and we talked in a unused room, in the dark so we wouldn't get caught."

Maxon stiffened again, and I took his hand. "The next day, Celeste showed me a article that said the public took a poll, and I was in last and she was in first, tied with Kriss. I ran from the room and hid in my room," I said.

"Aspen gave me a button and I put it on a ribbon to remind me that he was always there for me. But soon we were given a project. The German Federation and the Italians were coming to visit and we needed to plan a reception. At the time, we weren't allies with Italy yet. I was working with Kriss for planning the Italians' visit," I explained. "That night, a siren rose me from my sleep. It didn't really register with me that it was a rebel alarm."

"I was on duty outside America's door that night. The second I heard the alarm, I sprinted into her and urged her to hurry up. I kissed her for as I hoped not the last time and sent her to the safe room," Aspen said.

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