Chapter Fifteen

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Mom was acting weird. I mean yes, I knew that Grandpa died during Christmas, but there was something other than sadness in her expression. Maybe dread? I looked toward Dad, who seemed oblivious to Mom acting strangely. I peeked over to Ahren, who also seemed to notice something was off. As he caught my eye, we gave each other confused glances and shrugged.

Mom snapped out of her little daze, and continued. "Everytime I heard a floorboard creak, I turned expecting to see my Dad walking in. One day, my mother handed Kota, Kenna, and I letters from him. May and Gerald got theirs later." Mom squeezed her eyes shut. "And there is something that I found out in those letters that I had never told anyone." She turned to Dad. "Not even you."


All of us exchanged glances, probably thinking the same thing. What on earth was Mom hiding?

"The envelope had 2 letters in it, one long and the other short. I read the long one first, but the information that was most important was in the short." She took a deep breath. "My father was a northern rebel."

What?! I stared at America, my eyes probably as big as saucers. She ducked her head, not meeting anyones' eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked quietly. Her blue eyes finally looked up at me.

"Because the next time we saw each other I had... other things on my mind."

I sighed, "Is there anything else important that you didn't tell me?"

America pursed her lips, "Yes. It involves Kriss."

I froze. Whatever it was, I had a feeling I was not going to like it, if America didn't tell me.

"Hate to break it to you, but it's late, and I want to hear the end of the story today." Eadlyn complained. "You can talk out the lies and stuff later!"

America nodded, but didn't say anything. I didn't either, but for a different reason; I didn't know what happened next.

No one was saying anything. I guess that meant I had to speak. "Kota was reading his letter, and he was very upset. He ordered me to get him a drink, but America countered that saying that since I was a Two at the time, he should give me a drink." I paused for a second. "He then asked if Maxon knew about us." I lowered my eyes.

"He threatened to tell Maxon, and it all came clean. Now my whole family knew I had dated Aspen in secret for 2 years," America added. "I wanted to be the one to tell you." She looked into his eyes, and I looked away.

I cleared my throat, "The next day I received notice from here that Maxon wanted America back at the palace. On the plane, I tried to tell America that I didn't love her anymore and that I loved Lucy, but she was too worried on how to break it to you." I looked to Maxon. "Things may have ended much differently if I had told her, you know."

"When you say it that way, it is making me think something bad is going to happen..." Kaden commented.

I sighed, "You are not that far off, Kaden."

"When I arrived, I was dragged into a large party with all the former Selected. Apparently Kriss and I were that last ones standing. I didn't know if that meant Maxon realized that he could be without me, or that he couldn't." She gave him a tiny smile, but it soon faded. "When I was talking to Kriss, I saw something. She had a necklace with a north star on it. Thanks to my Dad, I knew that was a sign of the Northern Rebels."

Oh no...

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