Chapter Four

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WARNING, there will be big spoilers for the series from here on out in case you haven't realized that at this point!
If you havn't read the books, proceed with caution! Other than that, enjoy!



"I went on dates with other ladies, eliminated some girls, and realized none of them was an 'America,'" Maxon continued. "We created a signal to let each other know we wanted to chat. Everytime we would tug our ears and we would figure out when we could next meet. We especially used it during Reports."

"During one Report, I had an interview with Gavril," I said, thinking back at the memories. "Maxon had told the public that someone had yelled at him when they met during the last report. Naturally, Gavril was determined that day to find out who scolded the prince during their first meeting. Once I confessed, Maxon shouted to Gavril to make me tell the whole story," I said, glaring at him. "I was not happy, as you can imagine. As was my mother."

"It was definitely one of the more amusing Reports," Maxon said, chuckling. "I'm sure we can pull out the tape sometime."

Eadlyn and Ahren grinned and nodded eagerly.

"One of the things your mother exposed me to was the situation of the lower castes. The first thing was how many families were starving." Maxon looked to me. "In fact, I vaguely remember you telling me about that boy who was beat for stealing something."

I saw Aspen go rigid, staring at me with wide eyes.

"That boy was actually Aspen's brother," I whispered to Maxon.

His eyes widened. "You never told me that!" He turned to Aspen. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize."

"It was awhile ago," he responded softly.

Maxon sighed, turning back at the kids. "My father had covered all of this information from me. I had no idea that so may people like your mother and Aspen were starving. When I found out it, I decided to make a change. I created a system that would allow Fives and below to eat a free meal and announced it at the same Report."

"We still deal with that issue today," Eadlyn muttered. "It must have been terrible back then."

I nodded. "We have made great improvements in the past years, but this is one war that will take forever to win."

Eadlyn gave me a grim smile, but I could already see the wheels turning in her brain. She was undoubtedly thinking of a way she could help.

I looked back at Maxon, feeling myself blush. "After that Report, Maxon came to my room, and told me that I looked beautiful in my dress, and... well, we had our first kiss."

"She also admitted that she may be able to develop feelings for me. I remember being overjoyed to hear that!" Maxon said, smiling.

"I didn't tell any of the other Selected about the kiss, but I was soon tempted to do so," I said. "When I heard that Maxon had kissed someone else a few days later, I became jealous. I nearly told them, but I decided against it."

"Olivia?" Maxon mouthed, and I nodded, surprised he still remembered.

Storing that though for later, I proceeded with the story. "In the next few days, the King and Queen of Swendway and your great-aunt Adele and her family visited. It was then I was told-" I stopped, looking at Maxon for permission to tell them. He slowly nodded his head.

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