Chapter Seventeen

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"Aspen then found us, and he dragged me to a safe room," Mom explained. "He was about to tell me something, when a rebel rounded the corner and Aspen pushed me into the safe room. I tried to escape. After I gave up, I said something to myself." Mom bit her lip.

"What did you say? Quit not telling us these things right away!" Osten demanded.

She mumbled something under her breath. "What did I just hear you say?!" Dad exclaimed, jumping up from his seat.

"If you live, I will let you call me your dear. I won't complain, I promise," Mom said louder, burying her head in her hands. I don't think Dad's grin could have been any wider.

We all laughed, as Dad whispered "My dear" over and over again into Mom's ear. She glared at him, which only ended up with them kissing.

"Oh come on! Do that later will you?" Eadlyn cried, looking away.

When they finally broke away from each other, Dad still had that mischievous grin on. Realizing that Aspen was still in the room, I looked over to find him laughing. Although he smiled quite often, I felt like I hadn't seen it in a while. I didn't like seeing him, or anyone for that matter, sad. He was like a second father to me, Eadlyn, Ahren, and believe it or not, Osten.

"Gavril, August, and a guard where who opened up the safe room that I was in. I noticed then that Gavril had a northstar pin on." Mom said, grinning.

"Oh god. Who else is a Northern Rebel, that I didn't know about?" Dad asked, shaking his head.

"No one else, to my knowledge," she replied, kissing his cheek.

"I must have passed out, or something. When I woke up, I was in the hospital ward." Mom continued. "I went searching for Maxon, when I spotted Aspen."

Aspen pursed his lips, before starting.

"I injured my leg pretty badly. I would have to walk with a cane for a while. Even now when I have had a tiring day, I still limp a little." He paused, thinking. "When America asked me where the royal family was, I had to tell her that Maxon was King now, and was probably in his room."

Dad's face was grave now. A big contrast to when Mom had told him about allowing him to call her "my dear." Mom took Dad's hand. "Soon, Lucy had run in, and began kissing Aspen, relieved he was okay." She smiled a little. "I knew that they would be perfect together. I didn't remain in the hospital ward, for I needed to find my prince."

Ick. All this lovey-dovey stuff was too much.

Well, I guess it was okay. But if Mom and Dad started making out in front of us again... no. Just no. I shifted in my seat a little, secretly eager to find out more from my parents' story.

"When she walked into my room." Dad laughed a little. "Her dress was unevenly ripped to knees, her hair was out of place, and a little dusty from the safe room. But yet, she was still beautiful."

Help me. I thought, rolling my eyes a little.

"I dismissed everyone in my room. America and I talked about my parents, but soon I had her open the top drawer of my dresser." He smiled at Mom.

"It was a thick document saying that he was going to dissolve the castes." Mom announced. "But while she was reading the document, I slipped a box on top of the packet. And I bet you know what was in it." Everyone in the room smiled.

"I was entranced when I saw it. And speechless. Even through he couldn't get down on one knee, the proposal..." She trailed off, eyes shining.

Dad smiled widely, "Relief and happiness filled me when she crawled into my arms and said yes." He leaned over to kiss Mom on her cheek.

"The wedding was beautiful. Aspen handed me off to Maxon, instead of my dad. Marlee was my bridesmaid. And Maxon, unsurprisingly, called me his dear." Mom said as we all laughed.

"Is that it?" Eadlyn asked, after a couple seconds.

"Well, yes. I believe it is." Mom said, blinking in surprise.

"So did you live 'happily ever after'?" Ahren asked smiling.

Mom laughed, "No Ahren. It was so much more than a happily ever after."

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