Don't Start Something You Can't Finish.

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"So you want to be apart of CBX but have a solo career on the side?" The CEO asks Baekhyun.

"Yes, I want to be in a group sort of thing and produce music with others but i also want to produce my original songs too" Baek explains and smiles.

He really wants to produce his 'You Can Let Go' song because of its meaning. He wrote the song seven days before his father's death. He had a terminal illness and didn't have much time to live so Baekhyun wrote the song for his father.

It's been three years since you died appa. I hope its peaceful up there as many said it is. I hope the pain has gone. Love you appa xx

"Okay Baekhyun I believe you will give both careers your hardest and succeed in both as well. I have another meeting now so bye"

"Hehe yay thank you CEO, bye"

They bid their goodbyes and Baek leaves the office room towards the toilet. He enters the mens bathroom, zips his pants down and takes it out.

"Ahhh I swear I was gonna pee on CEO's chair back there" He slightly moans in pleasure.

Seconds later a figure joins Baek.

And that figure just so happens to be the arrogant Park Chanyeol.

Baekhyun just so happens to notice someone staring downwards and seconds later a chuckle follows.

"Yah! what's so funny?! Stop looking at my lollipop, pervert!" Baekhyun shouts while trying to keep in control of his aiming.

"What's funny? You want to know what's funny? What's funny is that your 'lollipop' is freaking pocket-size!" Chanyeol shamelessly insults.

"Yah well Mr Park yours is freaking-" Baek stops for a second and also shamelessly looks downwards,"Freaking huge!" Baek accidentally blurts out.

Chanyeol scrunches his nose up, "don't call me that!" and Baekhyun quickly zips his pants and runs out poking his tongue at him.

  - e✘o - 

Later in the day, Baekhyun walks towards the lounge area in hopes to find marshmallow and dinosaur but to his luck, he's met with a relaxing Park Chanyeol.

"Hi" Chan greets him.

"Yeaaaaah, uhm just forget about that thing earlier" Baekhyun says awkwardly.

"Hehe why? It was cute. Even your pocket-sized lollipop is cute" Chanyeol says which makes the smaller blush in embarrassment.

"Yah stop that!"

"Why?" Chan asks amused by Baekhyuns tomato face.

"Because... you shouldn't start things you won't finish" Baek says deeply. Chanyeol just stares at Baekhyun.

'What is this feeling?' Chanyeol asks to himself,

  - e✘o -  



"Awesome pose!"

"Keep going you're nearly finished"


Many compliments were thrown at Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin while they pose for their debut photoshoot.

They finally finish their photoshoot and head back to the lounging room of SM Entertainment.

"So you're telling me that for one of the music videos I'll have to cross-dress? Me? Crossdressing?" Baekhyun asks Xiumin and Chen in disbelief.

"Well I think you'll make a hot girl so you should do it" A deep voice says out of nowhere.

"KKAEBSONG! Oh my gosh, you scared me Chanyeol!" Baekhyun says while hitting Chanyeols chest.

"Oh. My. Gawd," Chen and Xiumin start in unison, "Park Chanyeol??!" They finish.

"Baek you just hit THE Park Chanyeol!! Oh My sorry Park Chanyeol on Baekhyuns behalf!" Xiumin apologises (for nothing).

"Haha it's okay. Only Baek is allowed to hit me" Chan says sending a wink in Baekhyuns direction.

"Ha. Ha. Mr Park" Baekhyun emphasis 'Mr Park' because he knows he won't like it.

"Fxck me" Chan mumbles under his breath, annoyed.


Xiumin and Chen ogle at the sight before them; Chan has backed Baek against the wall, arms trapping each side of a smirking Baekhyun.

Baek pulls Chanyeol down by the collar and whispers into his ear, "I told you, don't start something you won't finish"

Okay soooo... hope you enjoyed?? Idk what im writing my fingers are moving by themselves lmao. Is it going too fast? Lmao sorry if it is i cant help myself!!

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