Everything's Perfect.

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"You will be discharged today Mr Park" Dr Seokjin informs.

"Really?!" Chanyeol asks, his eyes lighting up.

"Yes, your ribs and arm have healed fine. So let's get this cast removed, shall we" Seokjin picks up the special cutting tool that is able to cut open the cast but not damage the skin.

After the cast is removed Seokjin disposes the cast and leaves. Chanyeol tests his arm by moving it around.

"Yay" Chanyeol cheers and slightly jumps up and down in the hospital bed.

Baekhyun chuckles at his boyfriends childish behaviour and shakes his head. Right now only Baekhyun is in Chanyeol's room.

"When i get discharged can we go on a date at the park?" Chanyeol asks.

"Okay and then afterwards we'll be lazy at my place"

Chanyeol nods his head, "Can i discharge now?"

Baekhyun chuckles and nods his head. He stands up from his chair and puts his hand out for Chan to take it; and he does.

The couple walk hand-in-hand to the main floor and ask the receptionist about discharging.

"Oh, yes i just updated it, you's may leave now" the receptionist says.

"Thank you"

Baek and Chan get into Baekhyun's car and he drives to a park near his own house.

"Ahh fresh air and a mended arm" Chnayeol says and sniffs in the park air while spinning around.

"Yah stop spinning you're making me dizzy by looking at you" Baek scolds and runs towards the swings.

Chanyeol follows Baekhyun and picks him up. He places Baekhyun in the kiddy swing, the one made for little kids, it also has a buckle on it. He buckles Baekhyun onto the swing and then takes the normal swing for himself.

"Yah why did you steal my swing and put me on the baby one?! Do you think im a baby? A crybaby!? Do you not love me because im a crybaby?!" Baekhyun suddenly outbursts and tears were already spilling out of his eyes. (Dont forget he's pregnant lmao)

"W-what? Ofcourse i love you! D you have the hormones of a girl or something?" Chanyeol whispers the last sentence.

"I heard that" Baek mutters and glares at his yoda.

"Hehe sowwy~ i lub you~" Chanyeol says cutely and does aegyo.

"Okay i forgive you only because i cant resist your cuteness" Baekhyun mumbles and Chanyeol smiles widely.

They spend the next few hours of their park date just playing around and talking and blahblahblah.

"Channie~ im tired lets go home" Baekhyun whines and yawns.

"Its only 3pm baby..." Chanyeol states confusingly.

"Channiiieee~ im tired!" Baek pouts and yawns again.

"Aww fine lets go home i will drive" Chanyeol says, not being able to resist Baekhyun's cute yawns.

When they get to Baekhyuns home Chanyeol has to carry Baek into the house because he fell asleep.

"How is he so tired?" Chanyeol groans while placing Baekhyun onto his bed then covers him with the blankets.

Baek opens one eye, "Channie can you get me some m&m's im hungry"

"Huh? Oh you're awake, sure baby"

Chanyeol heads to the kitchen and tries looking for some m&m's. He opens the fridge and looks around.

"Pregnancy milk?!" Chanyeol whisper-shouts as he reads the print on the milk cartons.

"Is that why he has such mood shifts and is tired all the time? Because he's... pregnant?" Chanyeol asks himself.

He puts the preggy milk back and grabs some m&m's then heads back to the room.

"Hey baby i got your food-" Chan says and gives Baekhyun the sweets.

"Thank you Channiiiee" Baek gobbles down the small chocolates as if his life depends on it.

"Yah baby eat it slowly i think your gaining weight" Chanyeol says and pats Baekhyuns tummy.

"You think im fat?! You dont love me because im fat?! After all we been through-" Baekhyun is cut off by the lump in his throat. By now Baek is full on crying.

"Aish i mean you are beautiful! I love you sooo much more than anything! Your body is freaking beautiful too!" Chanyeol hurriedly says and gives Baekhyun a kiss.

"Hehe yay i love you too" Baekhyun giggles and smiles brightly, all tears now gone.

"Baekkie can i ask you something? Before i ask you i just want you to know that you can tell me anything.."

"Huh.. yeah okay" Baek nods his head.

"Why do you... have pregnancy milk in your fridge?" Chanyeol asks and looks up at Baek's shocked face.

"U-uh b-because.... it tastes yummy..." Baekhyun is quick to make up an excuse.

"Are you sure that's why?"

Baekhyun begins crying again, "Im sorry Chanyeol for lying! I just didnt know how to tell you!" Baek says between sobs.

"Its okay baby.. just know that you can tell me whatever" Chan says and hugs Baek.

"So.. you're not mad?" Baek asks and looks up at Chanyeol.

"No, why would i? I am a little disappointed you didn't tell me but you're giving me the best thing a person could ever ask for. I love you" Chanyeol says and hugs Baekhyun tighter.

"Im glad. I love you too.. now can you get me icecream? Hehe"

Chanyeol chuckles, "Ofcourse i will"

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