I'm Sorry Chanyeol.

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"What do I do Tae?!" Baek asks in despair.

They are currently back in Baekhyun's living room.

"Baek, you know what to do.."

"Aish but I'm scared! What if he hates me?"

"Baekhyun he loves you!! Stop deceiving whats right in front of your fucking face!" Taeyeon suddenly outbursts.

Baekhyun looks at Tae with shock.

"I'm sorry Baek, I just.. you are... aish, im just annoyed Baek.. he loves you and you love him.. sasaengs shouldn't be a problem in your relationship if you really love him!" Taeyeon rants.

Baekhyun stays silent.

"Sorry Baekhyun.. if that offended you... It just came out, sorry Baek.."

"Fine. Sasaengs shouldn't be a problem! C-can you drive me to the hospital Tae?" Baekhyun asks in a small voice.

Taeyeon's eyes widen with shock but is soon turned to happiness, "OH MY GOD YES!"

Baekhyun and Taeyeon head towards the hospital.

"What's your plan?" Tae asks.

"I'm gonna get back with him and then I'll tell him about.. the thing when I'm ready enough"

Taeyeon nods and hums in agreement and parks the car.

They walk up to the floor and when they enter the hospital room 'EXO', Xiuchen and Kai are seated in there.

Chanyeol's eyes widen, "Baek?"

"Ha..ha.. yeah" Baekhyun nervously scratches his nape.

'EXO', Xiuchen, Kai and Taeyeon leave the room to let them talk.

"I-i'm sorry Chanyeol!" Baekhyun blurts out and drops to the floor next to Chanyeol's bed.

Chanyeol softly smiles and caresses Baek's cheeks and wipes the tears that continuously fall from his eyes.

"Why are you crying, baby?" Chanyeol asks while admiring Baekhyun.

"I missed you so much! I'm so sorry for leaving you. I'm so stupid" Baek says and looks up at Chanyeol.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear your voice the past two weeks" Chanyeol smiles brightly and carefully hugs Baekhyun, considering he was still healing.

"I love you.." Baekhyun confesses with his head snuggled in Chanyeol's chest.

"I love you too" Chan says and helps Baekhyun onto the bed with him so now Baekhyun's head is laying on Chan's chest with his arms wrapped around his torso.

Chanyeol's arm would be around Baekhyun's waist but.. it's broken so yeah.

"Are we.. back together again?" Baekhyun asks and looks up at Chan, faces just inches away.

Chanyeol smiles and kisses Baekhyun, pouring all his emotions into the kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes" Baekhyun giggles and the couple look at each other lovingly.

The door to the room opens and in come the friends.

"Awww, you two are so adorable together! We should be more like that baby" Kai coos.

"Huh?" Kyungsoo sends a deadly glare at his tall boyfriend next to him.

"I mean you are the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for!" Kai is quick to cover his mistake and also gives Soo a peck.

Kyungsoo glares one more time at Kai then turns his gaze to Baekhyun, "Yah, I'm glad you made the right decision"

Baekhyun averts his gaze sheepishly, "Hehe, thanks for knocking some sense into me.. thanks Suho and Tae, too"

Suho and Taeyeon smile, "No problem. I will always be here helping" Suho says.

"Bestfriends are meant to help eachother. Well, i gotta go. Tiffany's waiting for me. Bye~" Taeyeon says, waves then leaves.

"I'm glad everything's back to normal"

"Oh my god I know right. I was going to kill myself at the rate Mr. Park was complaining at!" Doctor Seokjin says out of nowhere and everyone screams, "Yah yah! Calm down gheez. Y'all are all too vocal for your own good" (Don't act like you ain't vocal either ;))

"Oh Doctor Seokjin?" Baek asks and lifts his head a little off Chan's chest to see better.

"Haha, yep it's me. I'm glad you two are back together, seriously. Who knows how long it was before I'd quit because of this crybaby" The doctor says referring towards Chanyeol.

Chan blushes, "Yah, I nearly lost the love of my life. How could i not cry?"

"So cheesy.." Kris whispers and Tao elbows him in the guts, "I'm sorry baby" Kris groans.

"They're so adorable and cute and oh my fxcking god they are a fxcking match made in heaven like oh my lord I just can't oh my god i can't even, i am not even able to even!" Luhan fangirls and fans his face dramatically.

Sehun chuckles and back-hugs Luhan tighter, "My boyfriend is such a fangirl"

"Yah, I'm a boy! I fanboy not fangirl!"

"Oh no please not this manly shit again" Lay prays.

"I am manly! I am the manliest of manly people!" Luhan raises his voice and crosses his arms.

"How did they become my friends? How did i end up in a group with these weirdos?" Kyungsoo asks himself.

"But you don't seem so manly in bed" Sehun chuckles.

"B-but.. well... I-i.. That doesn't matter!" Luhan stutters and pouts.

Sehun kisses the pout away and chuckles again, "I was just kidding baby"

"I won't leave you ever again Channie" Baekhyun whispers and pecks Chanyeol's lips.

"That's good, I love you"

"I love you too"

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