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"C-Channie" Baekhyun shakes Chanyeol trying to wake him up. Chan groans and slowly sits up while rubbing his eyes.

"Baekkie, what's wrong baby?!" Chanyeol whisper-shouts, panicked, when he sees tears rolling down his lovers face.

"I... what are we meant to do Channie?!" Baekhyun whisper-shouts distressed.

"I-what? What do you mean?"

"It just came to mind... we are both idols Channie! I just debuted a month or so ago and yet here I am pregnant with Hallyu star Park Chanyeol's baby!!" Baekhyun shouts between sobs.

Chanyeol sighs and hugs Baek, "We'll figure it out.. it's not like you need to do promotional events this year and you already came out with the yearly album.. just have a nine month hiatus, you can tell them when you're ready" Chan suggests.

Baekhyun nods silently and rubs his eyes. Chanyeol checks the time, 9:30 am.

"Let's go and see our friends" Baekhyun says and crawls away, but is dragged back onto Chans lap.

Chanyeol back hugs Baek and runs his hand over Baekhyuns stomach as the smaller blushes, "Hello Chanyeol Junior"

"Yah" Baek softly hits Chanyeol while blushing a deep red.

Chanyeol chuckles, "what?"

"Stop being like that it's embarrassing"

"I like you being embarrassed by me"

Baek cutely glares at Chanyeol and crawls out of bed then stands up, "C'mon let's visit our friends"

"Okay" Chanyeol agrees and carries Baekhyun bridal style downstairs, outside then into the car.

He plops Baek in the passenger seat and settles himself in the driver seat then drives to Kai's house where they're all meeting up.

"So Baekkie, are you going to tell them?" Chan asks.

"I-i.. hmm, i suppose.. i dont know, maybe i will" Baek mumbles looking out the window.

"Well whatever your decision is i support you and love you" Chan says sending a wink at Baekhyuns direction and Baek chuckles.

"I know.. thank you Channie"

"For what?" Chanyeol asks.

"For loving me.. and caring after me. Thank you Chanyeol" Baekhyun mumbles out in a soft voice, a small smile evident on his face, "and thank you for this gift" Baek mutters under his breath and looks down at his growing stomach.

Chanyeol lightly pats his own red cheeks with his free hand, "Yah, i should thank you for loving me and having the ability to conceive"

Baekhyun softly chuckles and reaches into his pocket, bringing his phone out. He clicks on the Instagram app and scrolls through comments on his and Chanyeols most recent picture together and there were many hate comments.

@.BBHhater: Haha what a slut -34 likes-

@.pcybbhsarang: aww cuties -11 likes-

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