Chapter 1

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As Nico watched on the two, he felt irritated and some kind of helplessness inside him. Percy and Annabeth haven't talked to each other in weeks. What is wrong with them?

Since he returned from Camp Jupiter after visiting his sister Hazel, he immediately was caught in the middle of a war. Not the oh my gods that god is going to obliterate us kind of war, it was more of a holy Hades everyone is affected by some breakup kind of relationship kind of war.

He'd felt the chill once he stepped into the magical barrier that was separating the camp from the mortal world. And guess what he saw? He saw Annabeth bawling her eyes out in the strawberry fields as Piper, Katie, Lou Ellen and some more girls from several other cabins comforting her as Percy furiously disemboweled and decapitated some poor dummies in the training area whilst Jason and Will tried to calm him down.

What the actual fuck.

"Nico!" Will caught sight of the son of Hades. "You're back."

Nico walked over to them, ducking a dummy head in the middle of the way. "What's going on?"

Will sighed in exasperation. He rubbed his head as if there was nothing he could do about the situation. He kept glancing at the son of Poseidon like he had cancer or something.

"Percy," he explained, "has been decapitating our training dummies non-stop since the day before yesterday. He won't stop for breaks or food or sleep, and he relies on ambrosia solely. It's a miracle that he hadn't burned up yet."

"Lou Ellen tried to cast sleeping spells," Jason added, "tranquilizer darts, paralyzing-poison infused ambrosia, but nothing seemed to put that guy down. At this rate, he's going to wear his heart out."

Nico blinked. What in the actual Hades? He'd seen Percy gone wild, but this is ridiculous. Despite for not sleeping a wink for two days, he slashed at the dummies with such power it would make any ancient hero jealous.

"Annabeth?" Nico ventured. "Why isn't she -"

"They broke up." Jason grimaced at the words. "Flirting gone wrong, I guess. He accidentally insulted her work and Miner - um, I mean Athena. She snapped back and it leads to this; where we are now. Aphrodite has been furious as well as the entire Cabin 10."

Nico had no trouble imagining the goddess of love rampage over the most well-known, beautiful and meaningful ship being broken apart. In fact, the Aphrodite girls seemed to wail as soon as they heard the news. Even Drew was devastated.

He's willing to bet drachmas that Aphrodite and Athena having a heated conversation at the moment. Poseidon might have joined the bickering.

Will tapped his shoulder. "Still, we need to get Percy to -"


"Problem solved," Nico offered. "Percy!"

The two blondes quickly rushed to the fallen demigod's side. Will turned Percy on his back and checked his heartbeat.

"Jason, I need an electric shock!" he said. "His heart rate is stopping!"

"Nectar!" Nico suggested quickly. "Ambrosia! Unicorn draught! We're not electrocuting him. I can see his life slipping away quick enough already."

Jason's hand crackled with electricity. "What choice do we have? He consumed too much ambrosia and nectar, and we have no unicorns at Camp Half-Blood!" He glanced at Will, who was going through his medical bag. He tipped it upside down and various kinds of bottles, pastes, bandages, and Nico thinks he saw arrows inside it.

"My healing abilities are limited. Jason, do your thing," he decided. "Just don't kill him accidentally - or on purpose."

Jason put his hand on Percy's chest. A shock of electricity jolted throughout Percy's body. As soon as Jason stopped, Percy shot up and almost decapitated Jason.

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