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"We need a ride to the Underworld," was their opening to Charon.

The four stared at Piper, aghast. She said it so casually like she was saying, hey, we need a ride to school.

"Stat," Jason supplied.

"Like, right now," Frank said listlessly. "Now."

Charon looked up from his newspapers and stared at them with his milky white eyes. His British leather suit was ironed out so perfectly, not a crease to be seen.

Annabeth frowned at his choice of wardrobe. "You wear Italian silk suits."

He blinked and fixed his eyes on her. "Oh, you're one of those demigods who hitched a ride to see Lord Hades, um, how many years ago? Time is difficult in the land of dead."

"Seven. Now, are you going to give us a ride or not?" Annabeth glowered. Jason's hand itched for his sword. Annabeth was not okay, especially when she gave people that look. Somehow he guessed that this topic seven years ago was also related to Percy.

Jason crossed his arms. "State your price."

Charon grinned and folded his newspapers on his guard table. He turned his eyes to Jason, amused. "Just the type of demands I love to hear! Jason Grace, you are definitely the Priest of the gods. I want a favour for your boarding fee."

Hazel frowned. "A favour."

"Ah! Hazel Grace. I personally gave you your admission free because your Father is Hades–"

"Pluto," Hazel corrected.

"–and yet you've returned, eighty years later," Charon finished. "Now, hear my favour out! It isn't hard at all, no! Just pass a little message to Lord Hades, that would be it."

Annabeth rolled her eyes like she knew what was going on and didn't seem amused by the outcome.

"What is it?" Piper glared.

"I demand a pay raise." Charon gestured wildly to his suits. "Look! I've been reduced to purchase regular suits from British! This isn't even the worst; these boots simply don't match!"

Frank choked with laughter. Annabeth massaged her temples like she'd dealt with this drama before and the rest of them simply were dumbstruck. That was his price for giving them a ride into the Underworld? Really?

Jason thought it would be difficult, or in the very least, they would require a battle to enter. Now they've just got to play Mission Hermes and they got the ride. Easy.

"Are you insane?" Annabeth snarled. "The Underworld's in total chaos. War is stirring and you want a pay raise!"

"It's vital to me!" he cried. "It's this or no ride. Your call, kid!"

Piper grabbed Annabeth's shoulder. "Come on. We don't have time for the other entrance in New York – it's too far. Hazel's horse, Arion wouldn't dare travel in the underground. It's just a little message."

Annabeth cursed under her breath and agreed reluctantly. They slid into the boat which was half-full with dead spirits as Frank tossed him a denarii.

"First time I was here, I was twelve," Annabeth said. "Me, Grover and Percy were on a quest to retrieve the Master Bolt, but it was a trick from Ares. Percy's mom got kidnapped by Hades."

"Harsh." Jason arched an eyebrow. Percy had mentioned none of this. Then again, they had Gaia to worry about then; followed up by the new war that Percy is waging.

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