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"We can't let them attack Camp Half-Blood like that!" Clarisse scowled. "If Percy chooses to be with them, fine! We'll have to kill him if we have to."

"No," Jason said. "There's a better way. We take Percy hostage and use him as leverage, that way, no one will have to get hurt. Does anyone volunteer on this insanely deadly mission?"

The counselors looked at each other.

Will, Cecil and Lou Ellen raised their hands.

"They'll go," Chiron decided. "They have made quite an impressive team last time. Uh, Will Solace, try not to run when you think of a strategic distraction."

"And Nico." Nico raised his hand. "I have a doctor's note."

"Yes, yes. And Nico di Angelo," Chiron agreed.

"Jason, you know the layout of Camp Jupiter better than we do." Piper sounded shaken up, but she managed to keep herself together for this meeting. His girlfriend was putting on more steel than he let on. "You should go."

"If he goes, he'll die in no time." Clarisse brandished her dagger. "Let the classical scouting four do it. Will for the stupidest distractions, Nico for the transportation and skellies, Ellen for the Mist and Cecil for the sabotage."

"Thank you," said Cecil.

Nico wanted to just slam his face into the ping-pong table. He was part of it to blame for this civil war between the Greek and Romans, but he couldn't just let Percy die, could he?

But he'd sensed Percy's death, loud and clear, yet he's still alive, waging war against them. Then he got wind of his Greek side dying, and his Roman side being reborn.


"We'll leave first thing in the midnight," Will suggested, glaring pointedly at the son of Hades. "Nico, no shadow-traveling. Doctor's orders."

Connor burst out into forced laughter. Piper managed a grin, though her eyes were stormy. The counselors all howled.

But Annabeth stayed silent.

Without the son of Poseidon and his sarcastic, sassy attitude, the atmosphere was strained. in fact, the centaur's smile was stretched so tight it looked like his face might split into two.

"You three, go get prepared." Chiron sighed. "The rest of you, go and prep your cabins for war."

* * *

Sneaking into a heavily-armed camp wasn't on top of Nico's bucket list, but here he is.

Ellen stepped on a twig and snapped into two.

"Shh!" Will chided lightly.

As they snuck behind the Fifth Cohort, there were still several Roman demigods were still wide awake, patrolling the area as they speak. Cecil cursed in ancient Greek. Of course, the security here is astounding, Romans were known among the demigods for their organization and safe haven.

"At this rate, the sun's going to come up," Cecil said. "We need to get to the praetor's cabins fast - Nico, you've been here. Do you know where it is?"

Nico nodded. "I do. But we need to get past Terminus, their last line of defense. It wouldn't be easy, because, you know, he's a God."

"I got this," Ellen said confidently. "The Mist could help. I've learned new tricks since last time. And I've got some nasty surprises in store!"

"Could it work against a god?" Will said doubtfully.

"Worth a shot."

Another demigod walked past the Fifth Cohort. He walked right past them, but he didn't seem to see them. Ellen's Mist had worked. The air shimmered as it was shifting to see what the outsiders wanted to see.

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