Chapter 2

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Without Annabeth, Percy was a shell without a soul. He didn't even fidget on the bed and kept staring at the empty ceiling. Will couldn't even force him to eat or drink. Jason had to fetch Piper out of the Aphrodite cabin - which for some reason has been shrieking for days - to charmspeak him into doing it. When it comes to stubbornness, Zeus would be jealous.

"Percy." Rachel tried to get him to talk, but all she got so far was "mmm" or just a "hm". Even when the feelings for him had disappeared, but seeing Percy like this was still hurting her. She was an Oracle, not a Charmspeaker. "Everyone's worried for you."

His eyes were dark like he lost his soul. He didn't look away from the ceiling.

She buried her face in her hands. "Perce, you're . . . you're different when Annabeth became your girlfriend. You became more distant and aggressive."

His mouth quivered. "A . . . aggressive?"

He spoke! Thank the Gods! Rachel wanted to dance and throw flower petals like she'd won the drachma lottery, but she still kept herself together.

She nodded timidly. "I don't know - maybe it's because you're overprotective of her." She took in a deep breath. "I can't date anyone, and I'm not an expert in love, and I probably don't have the right to say this, but I don't think Annabeth's the right girl for you. Relationships work in both ways, yet you spent all your time protecting her."

Percy was silent again, but he closed his eyes and took in a slow breath.

"Thanks," he said, his voice hoarse, "Red."

Rachel Elizabeth Dare. That's how she got her stupid nickname. But if that is the key for Percy to get better, she would broadcast her nickname all over the world.

She blinked back tears. "I worry. Jason worries. We all do. Nico is back in the outside world, searching for Annabeth. She disappeared . . . she wanted to join the Hunters or something. I understand if you want to go after her, but -"

"I'm not going after her."


"I said, I'm not going after her," Percy repeated, his voice firm. "If that's what she wants, so be it."

Now it was Rachel's turn to play the silent game.

The door opened.

"I see you finally got him to talk," Chiron said, obviously more relieved. "That is quite a relief. My boy, how are you feeling?"

"I've been better," Percy mumbled and turned his head to face the centaur. He forced himself to sit upright. "Chiron, I'm perfectly fine."

Chiron raised one of his scruffy eyebrows. "Perseus, you aren't to step out this infirmary."

"I'm not. I just want to go to Camp Jupiter for a while to let some steam off. I'm not going to push myself again, OK?"

Chiron stared at him in disbelief. He turned to Rachel to clarify whatever Percy said was true. She nodded and shrugged.

He stroked his beard and exhaled. "Fine. I will grant you permission and transportation to New Rome. Would you like me to inform Praetor Reyna and Frank Zhang?"

Percy sat at the side of the bed. Will poked his head in and glared at the son of Poseidon. Rachel wanted to know how Will became the main camp medic. By threatening patients to stay in the bed? Almost everyone is ADHD, after all.

"Nah. I'd like to give them a surprise. Someone has to be there for Camp Jupiter, right?" Percy forced out his lopsided grin, but his eyes were dull. "Besides, they're busy innovating New Rome. I heard everyone there got pranked by the Hecate cabin by pig balls."

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