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Hazel glanced at the stormy skies, which still had not yet cleared. Holding Frank close, she sniffed as she thought of Nico. Her older brother who had brought her back from Asphodel. The one who had gave her a second chance when no one else did in death.

"It's alright," Frank assured her. "Will and Nico are both heroes. They'll end up in Elysium."

"But we'll never see them again unless we die," she argued weakly. "I'm so sick of it. Why does everyone have to fight?"

Frank looked defeated. From what he told her, his Mother had sacrificed herself in the war.

"I don't know," he confessed. "It's us demigods. You saw Percy, he's Roman now. One pure Roman. And Romans are born for war."

"You're a Roman! I'm a Roman! We're Romans. It doesn't have to be this way." Hazel stared at the grim Greek demigods, who were either duelling on the arena or climbing the lava walls or just debating on the war. "I'm only fourteen, Frank. I'm scared."

Hazel buried her head into Frank's chest. She really is afraid. Afraid of her friends having a civil war. Terrified of the outcome. Someone has to die, no matter how you see it.

She wasn't even fifteen yet. Somehow she was plunged into this world with no warning. It was like tossing someone into a pack of wild, carnivorous centaurs and saying Oops! Sorry there! Now stay there and don't die.

Jason opened the door of the Hades cabin. She'd almost forgotten about the rule that no opposite genders can be in the same cabin alone. Jason didn't seem to care.

"How are you holding up?" he rasped. The violet circles under his eyes had never been so visible ever. How long had Jason went without sleep?

Hazel tore herself away from Frank. It felt wrong that she was with Frank and Jason was alone –

"Hazel, Frank, you two okay?" Piper's presence was blocked out by Jason's silhouette. They've been in the gloomy cabin so long that the light outside was harsh.

"We're fine," Frank said. "Thanks for asking. How are you two?"

Piper smiled tightly. "Same as you two. Haven't slept a wink since Percy and Reyna came by to deliver that war message."

"Can we not mention that?" Hazel muttered.

Jason smiled. "Okay, Hazel."

Piper and Jason sat on the bunk across theirs. With them, the dark cabin seemed more homey and warmer.

"Thanks for checking up on us," Hazel confessed. "How's – how's Annabeth?"

The pair exchanged concerned looks.

"I – I... I haven't seen her for the whole day. Maybe she went home." Jason looked alarmed. The rest of them seemed the same. Something in Hazel's blood told her that something isn't okay.

"We have to find Annabeth," Piper said breathlessly. "Now!"

The four poured out of the cabin and stormed right over to the Athena cabin. On the way while they were passing the Hermes cabin, Hazel saw Chiron having a heated conversation with a blonde.

"She's over there!" Frank was looking at the same direction as her. "Come on!"

They sprinted over to her. The commotion averted the two's attention from their conversation to them. Annabeth was dressed for a quest. The CHB Official T-shirt and jeans and red sneakers.

Piper inhaled sharply. Annabeth had cut her hair short, the length just at her neck.

"Your hair!" Piper gawked.

"Where are you going?" Jason shook his girlfriend. "Piper, your inner Aphrodite is showing."

Annabeth seemed surprised that they were all staring at her accusingly.

"Guys? What's going on?" she enquired. "Is there something wrong?"

"Where are you going?" Hazel demanded. "A quest?"

"But quests are cancelled during wars!" Frank glanced at the centaur sheepishly. "Right?"

The centaur nodded grimly, though he seemed tired from inside. Like he was tired of everything; especially talking.

"Annabeth here," he explained, "is trying to go on a solo quest to the Underworld. Not something I would recommend, but it is highly forbidden for a camper to leave camp alone during a war."

Annabeth looked like she was about to explode.

"She's not alone!" Hazel said. "It's the Underworld, right? I'm the daughter of Pluto, so I have to go with her!"

Annabeth shot her a grateful look. Chiron didn't look convinced.

"No! You're not going, Hazel!" Frank spoke up. "Not without me!"

Hazel and Annabeth stared at him. Chiron raised his eyebrows.

"Hey! Who's going to get you into the Underworld Nico-style? You need some singing, so I'm in!" Piper added.

Now three of them stared at Piper, all aghast. For one, Hazel knew Piper hated talking about her talents, but she needed it to support her friends. Chiron nodded, somewhat a teensy bit convinced.

"And who's gonna fight with you guys? I stand with my friends!" Jason interjected. "So I'm going too!"

Chiron nodded, finally convinced. But another shade of worry coated his expression.

"We are on the brink of war. With the gods once again incapitated by the Greek/Roman schism, the Underworld will be plunged into chaos." He handed Annabeth a piece of paper. "This prophecy will grant you your quest."

Annabeth opened the scroll of paper. She squinted her eyes as she read out the text.

"Bonds between brothers shall shatter in song,
Nightingale's cry will drown among.
The shadow and sun will partake its test,
The jewel, the dove and owl find peace in the midst."

The five looked at each other, aghast.

"Rachel?" Piper ventured.

Chiron shook his head. "No, sadly. This prophecy was given by the Grove of Dodonna only hours earlier. I had a satyr write it down. I assumed that it would come in handy now."

"Thank you, Chiron!" Annabeth embraced the centaur. The immortal teacher smiled, though it was strained. Maybe he knew he was sending his most precious demigod to a quest to her doom, or just a pointless quest.

What was Annabeth questing for, anyway?

"Go pack your things," Annabeth whispered. "Quickly."

You've never seen a group of demigods vanish to their cabins so fast before.

* * *
"So, why are you going to the Underworld alone?" Frank asked on the way. One of the Delphi Strawberry Service vans gave them a lift. "We didn't get to ask."

Annabeth stared at her shoes. There was a red coral pendant on her camp bead necklace – according to Annabeth, it was a gift from Percy. She still loved him, no matter what. They've been to Tartarus and back!

"I went to look for Nico and Will," she admitted. "I wanted to find Nico for you, Hazel. I want to make you happy."

Hazel's eyes teared up. "Oh, Annabeth – don't do that! Nico is happy down there with Will by his side!"

"But if I manage to bring Nico back, he'll be sad because Will isn't," she fought. "I'll have to bring them both back."

"It's fine. I don't like breaking the laws of the dead, but I'm no God," Jason agreed. "Let's bust in there and get our friends back."

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