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Hazel spun.

"Who are you?" she demanded. The young woman before her was dressed like a modern teenager, which stood out clearly from the campers. She wore a skin-hugging crop-top and black shorts. Her hair was frost white.

If that wasn't enough to convince her that this stranger was their enemy and definitely a monster, she was wearing a white mask that covered her eyes. Around her thighs and arms were black bands, all seemed like magic items. Especially the belt around her waist.

"My name is Celeste," she introduced herself. "I know, stupid name. Put that sword down."

Hazel didn't even realize she unsheathed her sword. She sheathed it, but her dread only escalated. How did she know that she was holding a sword? Could she see through that mask?

Her voice was low but cold. There was a slight Chinese accent, but Hazel didn't push. She just wanted to know how in the name of Pluto is she talking to her.

"Right," she tested. "My name is Hazel. Are you a demigod?"

"No. I'm a drakon." Celeste didn't show any emotion, but if she did, she'd probably be sneering at her.

"Who's your godly parent? I'm sure I never seen you here before," Hazel said. "Are you new? I'll show you around here. How old are you? You look like you're ten. What's with the mask?"

Despite her icy appearance, she was only 5'2 feet tall. Being a short demigod was troublesome and lucky, because everyone else could steal the T-shirt gun from the Ares cabin better and monsters will be too tall to ever see you coming.

"I don't know. Fifteen," she said. "New to this camp. Blind."

Hazel blinked. Then she realized that she was answering her questions in very short form replies.

"I'll bring you to Chiron," she offered. "Follow me. Um, can you-"

"I can." Celeste walked past her. "Chiron's a centaur. I can trace his scent."

"Are you sure-"

She found the Big House and walked through the door.

"-about that," Hazel sulked.

* * *

Hazel told the girls - including Calypso, Meg and Rachel - about the new girl and her worry grew. Annabeth asked questions like, Who's her godly parent? What does she look like? Is she Hera in disguise again? Is she Greek or Roman? Is she new?

Hazel didn't have answers for any of that. Especially for the Greek or Roman question. She looked like a Greek with her pale skin and complexion, but sounded like Frank talking English - Chinese accent mixed in English.

Frank. She couldn't go a day without thinking about the big guy. When she sees a random eagle in the sky, she would think that Frank could fly faster than that. When she sees children of Ares, she would mutter, Frank is so different from them.

"It's almost impossible for a demigod to find camp unscathed," Rachel noted. "Even Apollo and Meg faced dangers. Apollo ended up passing out."

"She just appeared behind me like she was always there," Hazel recalled. "She felt like... Gaia talking to me. You don't know she's here, but she's everywhere."

"She's fifteen. Her godly parent should claim her today," Piper said. "Unless they're still incapitated."

"Gods claiming parents is more like a subconscious now. Once their children's presence is alerted in camp, they'll be claimed if they're above thirteen years old." Annabeth seized the only Oreo from Rachel.

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