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Hazel glanced at Clarisse. The daughter of Ares and the daughter of Bellona held their grounds firmly, but both Camp's demigods were starting to waver.

"This is not going to end well," Holly muttered.

Annabeth was still off weaving that cloak furiously. Piper didn't question Hazel's plans any further, but she wished that they had. Hazel was risking everything.

If they failed, there was only one choice: to die.

Reyna's eyes landed on her. "Ah, the traitor to the Twelfth legion," she said. "We will spare you to face trials and force you to watch the Greeks' destruction. You have the choice to rejoin us and regain your centurion rank, or perish with them."

Hazel felt everyone's eyes bore into her. Could she? Would Gaia keep her word? She knew Gaia would keep her promises, but there was no way she could keep her around. She'd got rid of her because she was a threat.

Piper got her attention from the front lines. Do it!

Sweat trickled from her forehead.

"I'm waiting," Reyna repeated. Next to her, Percy - or Gaia - tapped his sword on the ground impatiently. Sucks for Gaia to possess an extremely ADHD demigod.

Hazel took a deep breath.

"I... I accept your offer," she said.

Every demigod snapped to her direction. Especially Clarisse, whose glare was colder than a Boread's breath. Cautiously, Hazel walked to Reyna, swordpoints held back by Piper.

"And Frank Zhang?"

"Dead," Clarisse snapped.

Percy's face clouded with false grief. "What happened?"

Hazel resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Arrow. Furies. Underworld. End of story."

Reyna looked genuinely concerned. "Jason?"

"Same," Piper interjected flatly. "No thanks to you."

Reyna glared at her. "So this is why the Greeks are so weak? Even our strongest warriors like Jason died under your care!"

"Your point is?" Clarisse snarked.

Percy nudged Reyna's elbow. "Enough is enough. We attack now."

Reyna nodded. "Romans! Form ranks!"

With a single signal from both Camp Leaders, the demigods all roared and charged at each other. Reyna and Percy were up the front, both fight like one and demons. Through all of this, Hazel stood still.

As demigods slashed at each other, Hazel struggled to pull herself back to reality. She could vaguely hear Piper shouting at Hazel from a distance, but she couldn't react.

It was like Gaia had rooted her to the ground. Gaia's laughter echoed loudly in her mind.

Her mind drifted back to the time where she and her mother had died suffocating. She'd made one mistake, and she wasn't going to let history repeat. Not on her watch.

"Hazel!" Piper shouted, dodging spears and arrows to Hazel's side. "That was a dumb move from us. Annabeth's never going to find us in this mess!"

Hazel nodded. "I got it covered."

She grabbed Piper's hand and they melted into their shadows.

* * *

Hazel hurled as soon as they emerged to the surface. Nico didn't tell her that shadow-travelling could be so nauseating.

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