Seeds of the Future

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Reyna thought that she'd been busy before. But when she saw Percy work, it made her feel like a 7-year-old student watching an experienced teacher do maths. It irritated her, but it was endearing, nonetheless. The son of Neptune has been checking on onagers, polishing armor, making sure that everyone hasn't died in the process . . . in three hours and in a wheelchair.

Of course, Frank assisted him. Jason stayed by Reyna's side to help her deal with the paperwork and the expense. Unfortunately, Octavian had a perfectly planned-out map to invade the Greeks. Now it was put to use. Reyna wondered how had she not burned this yet, but she was slightly grateful for it.

"So this is Bunker 9." Reyna pointed a small spot on the map, which was surrounded by forests. It looked like it has been in solitude for who-knows-how-long, just like her. "Only the sons of Vulcan - Hephaestus with the gift of fire can open it. Am I correct?"

Jason nodded as he pushed up his Imperial Gold-framed glasses. Reyna never thought of a son of Jupiter wearing glasses, but, hey, you learn new things every day.

"Yes," Jason agreed. "But the Greeks have been studying. They've invented some sort of blowtorch that could equal Valdez's fire, thus, unlocking it. They've got most of their weapons in Bunker 9, the Ares cabin and the Hephaestus cabin. If we take down three of these places first, they would be almost defenseless."

Reyna sighed. "No. We shouldn't act rashly. It's a brilliant plan, Jason," she said, "but they have the Oracle Rachel Elizabeth Dare. We have none. We can only rely on dreams, and the accursed Morpheus cabin keeps pulling us off of the track."

The door to Reyna's workplace opened.

"We've got news," Hazel said, out of breath, "that the speech of the two praetors is about to commence. Are you two ready?"

* * *

The stage was okay. She wasn't a stranger to it. But when you put her in front of a crowd of hundreds of demigods with heavy armor and cameras? That was a little uneasy. What were the cameras for, anyway?

Frank looked totally at ease. His soaked back of his T-shirt said otherwise. Percy looked weird wearing his robe in a wheelchair, but he managed to shrug it off and start a stupid conversation about their godly parents with Jason. Hazel stood by Frank's side, as stiff as a statue.

Every time she stood with the Seven, she'd always felt left out. Not after Scipio - he was a brave friend. But now? She felt comfortable. Before Jason has Piper, Leo has Calypso(technically), Frank has Hazel and Percy has Annabeth.

That's the past. Now it was Percy had had Annabeth. What would happen to Jason and Piper after this war? Now Percy and Reyna are both single as a pringle at the moment.

Suddenly someone sounded the horns. The volume almost deafened everyone in the legion. Dakota smacked the son of Apollo - who was in charge of that stupid horn - and smashed the horn onto the ground. The son of Apollo scowled at the centurion.

"Romans!" Reyna used this as an opening, her voice loud, clear and commanding. "The Greeks have attacked our praetor, Percy Jackson. As you all may know, he is now fully Roman and he will serve the legion as our praetor. Unfortunately, he is bound to a wheelchair, for now. In any favor of those who want to sign his casts and bandages, please do not make his injury worse! I'm talking about you, demigods of Venus!"

Demigods snickered. No use observing formalities now, they're on the verge of war. Though the lares didn't look too happy about that.

Reyna steeled her nerves. She could feel Jason muttering silent encouragement, Percy grinning, and Frank and Hazel getting her back behind her.

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