Chapter 2

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Skye woke up in a dark room with nothing but a bunch of dogs surrounding her. "What's going on?! I want to go home! I want my mommy and daddy!" said Skye. "Don't worry little pup, you'll see your mom and dad very soon!" said the leader dog. "Who are you?!" said Skye. "We are the Hounds Of Justice!" said the dogs ass the started showing teeth. Skye started to cry, but then when the leader reached for her, she bit his paw and ran out. "Ow! Get that little runt!" said the leader dog. The rest of the dogs then ran after Skye.

Skye ran as a fast as Alger little legs could take her, but she then spotted a crate that was being shipped to a place called Adventure Bay, so she hopped in the crate when she had the chance. The dogs couldn't find her, so they went back to their hideout. "Who's gonna tell the boss?" said one of the dogs. "I'm not doing it!" said another dog.

Skye was now in the crate and she was about to get out, but someone put the lid on it and stapled it shut. Skye was now trapped in the crate, and it was put on the boat, now heading for a place called Adventure Bay.

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