Part 7

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(So I guess I have one reader. I wish I had more, but Im glad at least someone is reading. If you enjoy it so far maybe leave a comment? Share the book with a friend? Do you enjoy it? The last chapter? Was it too much? I'm tryna add some history to Patrick. Thank You My One Reader!! xo)

   Dear Friend,

    Im sorry I let all that very deep stuff slip into the letter... I had some- half a bottle- of scotch and was a little emotional. Like I said in my first letter. I just need someone to listen and know... I'm not asking you to understand or to help... but just to know that someone is there.

    I cant tell Sam. She would treat me different. No one but that doctor, my mom and now you, knows about my childhood incident. So even though I dont know you, dont tell anyone.

  Tonight is the first showing of Punk Rocky. I have to get there first so they can put make up and everything on. I bet I will feel the gayest of everyone in the world.

    For S.S (I'm just gonna say S.S i stead of Secret Santa) I got a mix tape with asleep on it twice. I almost cried when I saw it this morning. Now I know- Charlie is my S.S. And I'm his- isnt this wonderful... I'm not sure if I'm happy or unhappy about it. In his  locker he got the dress shirt and a tie.

      I have to stop writting, I have to leave soon to fet ready. I'll drop this off on my way.



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